A new day A new Story

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Finally Jasmine slept in her room after a long night of crying ...
Riva (Comes to wake her up ): good morning my princess bff .....
Are you okay now ?

Jasmine : Answers her in sleepy tone ... I am not okay Riva ...
I need help to move on from him

Riva: ohh so you are actually with a good and trained person ...
You know I have an idea to move on

Jasmine: Asks Riva what is it ? Binding her hairs....

Riva : Start self care ... Focus on yourself and stop remembering him. ....

Jasmine : but our all the moments are stored in my brain how I can get them out?

Riva (laughs loudly) : your mind is not a type of hard disk which can store and remember everything....
Delete the old junk files and fill the new self care memories in it

Jasmine: okay! Let's just focus on myself myself myself enters to shower chanting myself .....
Myself .....

Riva : this girl will definitely cause a blast (sips coffee)

Jasmine : What should I wear Riva?

Riva : you have many clothes choose anything ....

Jasmine : but there are many clothes gifted by Vardan and they are my favourite " I don't like anything else to wear "

Riva : ohhh mahh godd ! Okay just wear something else for now and let's go to buy some new outfits

Jasmine (Smiles) : Okayyy...

Riva and Jasmine both get dressed and reach Store to shop new outfits ....

Salesgirl : hii mam ! How i can I help you ?

Riva : umm "We need to buy some outfits for my friend".

Salesgirl: okay mam please follow me I would take you to the Newly arrived section

Jasmine: yes sure let's go

They both bought many outfits and came home back
So from today your own life is going to start where you you don't have to worry about your relationships boyfriend and other things enjoy being single
Said Riva

Jasmine : it's my life I would start living it in my own way.  ....

The very next day Jasmine started to go back to university and Begin to live her daily routine again
She forgot about all her sadness in two weeks and started to life her life happily once again. .......

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