rainy day and a misunderstanding

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Riva : Calls Jasmine to kitchen .
   Jasmine come down breakfast is ready..... 'Nimayy is joining us today for the breakfast '

Jasmine (stepping down from stairs) : Did you called him early in the morning?

Riva : No he said that he tried a new recipe for breakfast. So he is bringing that here to taste for us

Jasmine : okayyy ... Let's wait until he come .

Nimayy enters the house .
Nimayy : Hii babyyy

Riva : Hii honey welcome ! (Hugs Nimayy )

Nimayy : Hii ,Jasmine "long time no see."

Jasmine: Hii Nimayyy "nice to meet you"

Nimayy :" I got to know about your breakup by Riva I feel sorry about you "

Jasmine: It's okay Nimayy  I wasn't either happy in that relation

Riva : Nimayy are you gonna talk like this and made me suffer from appetite?

Nimayy: No mahh luv ! "Take this box and serve the breakfast.. till then I chit chat with Jasmine."

Riva : okay sir wait on the table I will bring you the order (smiles childishly)

Jasmine: So Nimayy What are you doing these days ? I mean I haven't seen you for a whole month!

Nimayy: I was staying in India this month . My dad had some issues with his company to deal in India so I went there with him to study the problem and to give their solution

Jasmine: Okay ! Well that means you have started your training to be the best son and husband from now on (laughs)

Nimayy : yahh you can say that . As I am already thet best boyfriend, I think I should upgrade my version to be best husband for Riva tooo.......(laughs)

Riva : guysss breakfast is ready !
(Puts the plates and serves the breakfast)

All eating without taking a breath.....

Jasmine: omg ! "Your dish is so tasty Nimayy everything is perfectly balanced and taste of spices is just awesome "

Nimayy: Thanks Jasmine I hope this day made your day

Jasmine : it definitely made

Riva : Really she is saying true Nimayyy your recipe is so tasty that I want you to make it again and teach me too

Nimayyy (gulps water ) :" well that's my pleasure sweetheart but my service is not free for anyone"
There would be some charges for it

Riva : what charges ?

Nimayy: nothing else just a welcome kiss ....

Riva (acts shy) : sure !sure ! Once Jasmine would go to university I would give you some extra charges tooo

Jasmine: wait wait wait, your romance is okay but aren't you two coming to university today ??

Nimayy : yes we aren't Jasmine as my cousin is here from India and she wants to meet Riva

Riva : Yes Jass, sorry I can't catch with you up today ...

Jasmine : it's nothing to apologise guysss you shoul enjoy ... It's okay !

Riva : thank you so much Jasmine I love you so much ....

Nimay : excuse me what about me?

Riva : shut up! Nimayy.....

Okay I would leave for college now byeee..

It's evening  and weather is becoming cloudy...when Jasmine is returning from University.
Phone. Rings ......
Jasmine: hello !

Riva : Jass are you free ?

Jasmine: yes I just got dispersal, why ?is there something you want to say ?

Riva : ahmm yes actually me and Nimayy are heading towards Seline club to celebrate his cousins birthday
So so you have to reach there by 7 pm in the evening

Jasmine: It's almost 5 o'clock Riva!!! How I would reach there ?

Riva : I don't know anything you are coming and that's final ...

Jasmine : But I am not in the mood of joining any party

Riva : Enjoying sometime isn't bad enough. " please please come here otherwise I am not going to join the party without you"

Jasmine (sighs) : okay fine I would join you ....

Riva : okay then waiting for you ... byeee!

Call disconnected

Jasmine : there's not a single cab even I am waiting in front of a huge company's office!

Saw somebody personal chauffer dropping a them at company's office

Chauffeur : sir here's your office

Man in the car : ohk thank you ! "Your today's service is over you can go and remember to reach home on time tomorrow "

Chauffeur: okay sir !

Jasmine (quietly watching everything) : well I wish that i could have a personal driver too
Suddenly it started to rain .....

Jasmine doesn't thinks about anything else and hop into that car  which chauffeur was driving

Chauffeur: hey! Girl what are you doing ? Why did you entered into my car ?" Are you a thief or something??"

Jasmine: no no no I am not a thief
Actually it started to rain so I just entered in your car

Chauffeur: okay but I am not going to wait for you here till the rain stops !

Jasmine: I know that you won't wait here for me , but I listen you talking to car ow6that your today's shift is over..
So if you don't mind "can you just drop where I want to go ?"

Chauffeur: sorry miss I can't drop you anywhere I have to go

Jasmine: U know that all tha cab drivers are on a strike and I really need to reach that place ....
Please please please help me I would pay you the money too

after thinking a lot he agrees to help Jasmine

Chauffeur : Okay I would take you .

Some words by me :=

Hiii guys actually it's my first story that I am writing and I know that I making a lot of mistakes in tenses and words tooo so please ignore these as it's my first try ....
I hope that you are liking this story 
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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