Chapter 8 ~ so not funny ~

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Several days had passed since their intimate encounter and Ian was trying to avoid discussing it with his charge. Phikhuam still insisted that they sleep in the same bed but Ian had gone back to balancing on the edge.

Ian knew he'd messed up big time and there was no one he could talk to about his current situation, he had behaved in an unprofessional and immoral manner and if anyone were to find out and say anything he could actually lose his NMC nursing license. Even just the act of sleeping in the same bed as the patient was inappropriate but he couldn't seem to make Phik' understand.

It didn't help that he was caring for a celebrity who was removed from the real world to a certain extent and where he had assistants to be at his beck and call. It's not that Phikhuam was spoilt or selfish, on the contrary he was very kind but he just couldn't see the harm and didn't understand the implications and possible repercussions and Ian had allowed himself to be swept along with his wishes.

Ian should never have agreed to this arrangement in the first place but there was no going back now, it was imperative that they had a serious talk. Phikhuam watched Ian as he prepared the salad vegetables for lunch, he knew that something was wrong but he was waiting for the right time to broach the subject.

"you look deep in thought Ian, is there anything wrong?" he asked.

Ian stopped what he was doing at looked directly at his patient.

"we really need to talk"


"this ... us ... everything" Ian said.

"I'm listening"

"I don't think you fully comprehend the possible consequences of the things you expect from me, you insist on me sleeping beside you not to mention what happened the other night. I don't think you appreciate that if anyone were to find out, I could actually lose my license" Ian replied before continuing,

"it's not really your fault, I should have said no in the beginning and kept everything professional but we slipped into this ... whatever it is"

"ok Ian, I understand your concerns so how about this, on the off chance that anyone discovers we have been sleeping in the same bed we simply tell them we are close friends or even lovers, I'm happy with either explanation"

"I could have slept on the sofa though and in keeping with the NMC code of conduct a nurse should not care for friends or family unless there is no other care provider available" Ian said.

"I wanted you with me and there was no one else available" Phikhuam added.

"but you could have hired someone else in the subsequent days" Ian replied.

"I could have yes but I wanted you and in my line of work I want people I know and trust, no matter what argument you come up with I have a counter argument and I also have very good lawyers so in the actual event of any backlash from your NMC whatever that is, you can rest assured it would be dealt with quickly and efficiently to your, our advantage"

"you make it sound so simple" Ian said

"it is simple, you are worrying about nothing and I believe you are feeling guilty because of what happened the other night and still looking for excuses to put some distance between us, you are running scared"

"of course I am, you're a big shot celebrity and I'm ..."

"Ian, if you say one more time that you're a nobody I swear to god, bad wrist or not I will put you over my knee" Phikhuam was becoming angry.

"huh, I'd like to see you try mate!" Ian said indignantly.

"don't test me Ian" Phik' replied.

"why am I even here putting up with this?" Ian muttered to himself.

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