Ep. 2 - F- Class (1)

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''Before we continue'',  the voice rang . '' A few more guests will be joining us''. There  was a hissing sound and two balls of light appeared in the air. ''More people?''  I think to myself.  Who else could it be that they are joining  us later than the rest?. 

The balls of light slowly form into beings hovering mid air, one took the form of a small creature of white fur, while the other a slighter big creature with a gold horn on its head. It was Chirpie and Peace. 

Peace and Chirpie

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Peace and Chirpie

My eyes widen as Peace jumps into my lap. I was ready for the impact but it never came. ''Don't worry Han Yoojin abilities are restricted here, do you remember?'' the voice again, wait wasn't she called 'lion', no 'lien'' that's it. '' Anyway, I know some of you might be wondering why the new guests are monsters or beasts,'' Lien says. ''But don't worry, everything will be explained in time.'' Since all the seating areas were taken, Peace settled on my lap while Chirpie on my shoulder. 

''So with that ,'' Lien's voice echoed happily. ''Let us move on to the next episode!''  The lights dimmed in the room as the screen turned on again. 


"Wow what a big time skip, it's that unfair", someone said. As I looked around I noticed it was Riette.
"As I did recall nothing much happened in those eight years other than suffering, or maybe it's just me". Yoohyun must have heard my muttering because he looked at me. I don't know why Lien skipped it but it's irrelevant to me.

The screen shifted to an interview.

" See that", a woman's voice said as she showed a glowing green pentagon figure just above her hand.

"Oh isn't that a status window", Yerim yelled.

The reporter Infront of her seemed confused and replayed, " No.....  is there something there?"

"Obviously not, a status window is only visible to the owner". Some random hunter resorted from Seating five, where Yoon Kyungsoo the 'Soodam Guild master' was seating at, it was probably one of his men.

" This is called a status window. It's  visible only to it's owner". The women being interviewed answered. The camara zoomed away reveling the face of the speaker. It was Yoomi an E rank hunter.

" But when did they start such programs", it was a soft voice almost a whisper from seating three. It was Kang Soyoung. To her question Director Seok from 'Haeyeon Guild', answered "Because Miss. Kang, I am certain that there was no such interview, and now I think about it". Before he could finish speacking Dr. White, his niece intruped," It hasn't been eight years since the dangeon breakout for the first time, it's only been three years, so this doesn't make sense".

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