The Unexpected Guest

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* Special notice at the end of chapter. *



A bright light flashed through the room as Lien appeared once more. "Okay, everyone." We all stared at her. "I know I brought you all here, and I know I said you would all be safe here, but I'm afraid there's only so much I can do."

"What are you talking about?". Someone called out

"What I'm saying is that while none of you will age here, your bodies still need adequate food and rest." She pointed to the door on either side of the rectangular room she had shown us earlier, both of which were now open.

"Please hear to your respective room. If you don't know where you will find your name . The system on Table Ten will be on the left side, while everyone else will be on the right. Please make sure to sleep well. Food will be provided when you wake up."

( Yoojin's POV )

It only took a few moments for everyone to find their respective rooms. Once I found mine, I couldn't help but realize that I was right in between both my brother Yoohyun and Sung Hyunjae.

 Opening the door, I was greeted with a simple bed, desk, and closet. Looking at the clothes provided, it seemed that everything would fit. I took a pair out and moved to the bathroom. After a few minutes, I found myself feeling the effect of what Lien told us about.

 While time didn't pass here. We were still human, and we still had our basic needs. Wordlessly, I found myself drifting off into sleep. It is strange trying to fall asleep in the middle of a scenario without any idea of what might come next. Especially in a scenario like this... without anyone to keep watch.

 With my past regression, I've always learned the hard way what happens to those who leave their guard down; you'll be betrayed, stabbed in the back, and killed. So it makes sense why I'm unable to fall asleep at a time like this. I think I've been lying here in the pitch dark and staring at the ceiling for the past hour. I know Lien said that death wasn't possible here unless you were killed by another person. And in the end, that person would join you in death. I turned to lie on my side.

( ??? POV )

I thought about Yoojin, the anomaly in this time frame. "I still don't know if I can't trust him entirely, but he has done things that should prove his loyalty. Although he saved me. He's still hiding something, although we'll find out soon. He's probably doing everything for good of his perfect ending, and ending where he and his brother survive, where we all survive."

Then I thought about Lien. With her face flashing through my mind and the memories of many other people like her, I decided that it wasn't worth it to be trusting, not this soon. Removing the blanket, I stood from my bed and walked out the door. "There's no way she would kill any one of us, right?" I thought as I stood in front of his door, Han Yoojin's door. "What game could she be playing, placing me beside him?" I reach out to the doorknob, hesitating even to touch it.

 I frown, "I just need to be sure." And I open the door. Unlike my room, which was completely dark, his room had a small light source in the form of a dimly lit candle on the desk. Where he got that, I had no idea. "He's safe... so why am I still here? I should go." I stare at the face of the man sleeping so calmly on the bed; a face I was now able to see clearly thanks to a meddling, green-eyed, floating menace. "Perhaps I should thank her for that." I knew I should leave. It's not nice to be in another person's room without their permission after all, especially if they are sleeping. So why I didn't move? I have no answer.

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