Ep. 7 - My Brother's Acting Strange (2)

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"My dear dear audience, you must be tired''. My expression showed that I didn't believe her, but she didn't stop. "After this episode, go outside and join your companions for food. We have several episodes to react to, after all." And with that she disappeared.

As I waited in the room, Lien's  words lingered in my mind. The room was quiet, and I could hear the distant chatter of the others. Yerim and Moon Hyuna were probably discussing the recent events, and Kim Sunghan might be analyzing the situation.

I made myself conformable on the coach where else the others were gathered, each engrossed in their own conversations. Yerim noticed me first.

"Hey Ajusshi! , What's happening  there? ohhh look a remote, did Lien leave it for us?" she asked eagerly.

Truthfully I hadn't noticed the object in front of me, it was a small black remote. She must have left it for us to control the screen. I thought to myself. Before looking at Yerim and saying, "I have no idea. There's some mystery surrounding it, and Lien, the storyteller, is being cryptic about the whole thing," I explained.

Moon Hyuna overheard our conversation and joined in. "This story is getting more intriguing by the minute. I wonder what's really going on behind the scenes."

Without another word I grabbed the remote and pressed play. 

As the screen flickered back to life, the room hushed in anticipation. The characters on the screen resumed their activities, and the unfolding story drew us back into its captivating narrative.

Yerim, Moon Hyuna,  watched intently as the events in present world continued to unravel. The remote in my hand allowed me to control the screen, giving me a sense of involvement in the unfolding drama.

"Let's see what surprises are in store for us next," Yerim said with a grin, eager to witness the twists and turns of the narrative.

Lien's cryptic message lingered in my mind, adding an extra layer of suspense to the proceedings. Whatever secrets were hidden in the narrative, we were determined to uncover them, one episode at a time.


(Yoojin's pov) 

The abrupt declaration from Yoohyun left me stunned. "What, what do you mean I can't go outside?" I blurted out, my mind racing with confusion and disbelief.

Yoohyun, however, maintained a calm demeanor, offering a small smile as he calmly replied, "It's too dangerous out there."

The people in the room exchanged puzzled glances, their expressions mirroring the confusion that filled the space. 

Moon Hyuna, always quick to voice her thoughts, raised an eyebrow and quipped, "Dangerous? Did I miss a memo about the outside world turning into a war zone?"

Yerim, leaning forward with wide-eyed curiosity, added, "Ajusshi, what's going on? Why would it be dangerous outside?"

Kim Sunghan, known for his analytical approach, simply observed the unfolding scene, silently contemplating the implications of Yoohyun's unexpected statement. He finally said ''Yoohyun-ah must have enemies and now the two seems to made up their relationship, they'll be after Yoojin-nim.'' 

''What?! But I went about just fine this morning.'' 

''Things have changed. Now that you and I are close again, you're not as safe as you were.'' He answered. 

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