Your WHAT?!

341 4 13

"oh yeah come in " i say with a smile 

Aiden POV

Shah let me inside and I felt a lot better. Then she led me to a couch she just sat there with a teddy bear in her hands.

" hey shah, do u mind talking to me ?" i ask her 

"uH yeah.. " she says her voice vert nervous

"So uhm hows everything going ?" i ask her trying not to annoy her 

"c'mon aiden " she says her voice high

"what ?" i ask her 

"lets go to the store "






"pleaseeee aiden " she said making puppy dog eyes 

"ugh fine " i say. I came to tell her about my feeling but well looks like she had other plans in her mind.

A few minutes later we arrive at the store. Aru immediately runs towards the "snacks" section staking the trolley with loads of candy

"shah you should not eat junk food ..." i say 

" stop being such an ammama wifey " she says with  a smirk

i roll my eyes at the nickname but smile. 

"Shah I'll be at the counter its getting crowded there , just take some stuff and come okay?" i say

"yeah sure wifey " she says

I run to the counter and wait in the line.

Aru Pov

I go back to the candy section to grab more candy and to my horror spot poppy and Arelle on the way. I try to sneak past them but they spot me.

"what'ya doing' loser " says poppy with a sarcastic grin on her face 

"Maybe just dreaming to buy one of those " said arelle pointing at a family size Oreos 

"n-no just came to buy some candy " i say annoyed

"oh come on " said poppy 

"omg , go go to ur daddy Aru" she said in a teasing voice

"omg arelle she doesn't have one !!" said poppy as if she has one 

 A hot tear escapes my eyes 

"awww are you gonna cwy aru? asks poppy in a sarcastic tone 

n-no i say 

"JUST SHUT IT POPPY" said aiden in a sharp voice

"what are u doing here" i whisper

"ill tell u later " he says 

"what are you doing with her over here " asks poppy

"nothing " i say

"they why is he with you? " arelle asks

"she is my best friend - sorry my girlfriend " says aiden

What the WAHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jhedgcywebduwqujbEFQdviY3tcxbDW9IJ

"your WHAT??>>" asks poppy angrily 

"c'mon shah lets go" aiden says ignoring poppy

But why did he say that she was his girlfriend ?

Hiii guys !!

Hope u like this chapter !! i promise there'll be sus in the next chapter , something like a date !!!


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