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That was what i was thinking about all the way home. Aiden just shut his mouth , not telling anything as if he didn't say anything.

"UHhhh earth to shah?" Aiden says with his hand waving in front of me 

"oh yeah " I say 

"sorry about that ..." he says his voice trailing 

"about what ?" i ask innocently (A/N c'mon Aru!!!! u were thinking about that all the way home dude ;) 

"uhm about that girlfriend thing....." 

"oh that?! " i say acting shocked 

"I shouldn't have said that .... sorry..." he says admiring the floor 

"oh yeah that's totally fine" I say happily 

"uh yeah " he says looking at me 

"lets watch elemental ! I heard its an amazing movie !

A/N elemental is actually an amazing movie by Disney Pixar , I recommend u all to watch its on Disney+ hotstar or ill put the link in the the comments , its free in the link but not in disney+hotstar .  

"aiden!! c'mon !!! its a new move and its amazing!"

"oh really? finee"

Aru puts the movie and she doesn't replay all the songs . Aiden at this moment - PEACE! In the middle aru somehow falls asleep. Aru's her falls on Aiden's shoulder but her doesn't shake it off (haha why would he?)

After a while aiden too falls asleep , his chin resting on Aru's head. 


After a while he hears footsteps inside the house. He doesn't open his eyes , de doesn't want anyone to know he was awake. He hears many footsteps afterwards.

"awwwwww, they are sooo cute together " That voice sounds like mini

"hushhhh , there sleeping " thats sheela 

"omg my ship is almost about to sail!! if only anyone of them had the guts to askj the other out , they are sooo oblivious duhhh"

"just let them sleep  brynee" nikitha says

"aww my ace cakes is growingg " mom



Cliffhanger? i guess? anywys thanks for reading!!! 


cats are soooo cute dont u agreee

333 words 

Something on my face Shah? - Aruden fanficWhere stories live. Discover now