Our Mama

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Plot- Enji isn't very liked within his kids as he emotionally abused with neglecting and favoritism and such. But he's trying to change but the kids aren't ready to forgive him yet and enji understand so what happens when enji saves some kids and the little children get attached to him.

Author Pov
    Enji had just woken up from his sleep as he got ready for his day, it's as normal as it can get. Rei is chatting with kids, fuyumi is braiding Rei's hair and Shoto, Natsuo and Dabi/Touya and Enji is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Well, normally this wouldn't be the case but Enji is a changed man from how he was back then.
      Enji has saw the wrongs in his emotional and favoritism in the family and he wants to fix it. Nobody said it would be easy because it's no, since none of his kids would spear him a glance since he started trying change. Touya as he would be liked to call dabi, since he revealed his himself, he's been joining this.
      Enji isn't complaining, that mean he can make amends with son he thought was dead. Enji had changed a lot, he's still a hero but the one that others don't fear. So, Enji has just finished breakfast as he brings it out as rei turned to him and gave him small smile as he's been doing good.
     He rest down the breakfast as everyone digs in, everyone nodding and humming in the delight. "The food is very delicious enji." Rei complimented and enji nodded in approval accepting the nice compliment. Rei gave her kids a nudge and glare as they looked at enji with a force smile.
     "It's good old man." Dabi said as enji just smiled, the nickname doesn't bother enji anymore as much as it used to. "The food is quite delicious father." Fuyumi said being the respectful daughter that she is. Enji was very happy when fuyumi was the only one who still called him father.
     "It's taste great old man.","Yeah not to bad." Shoto and Natsuo said one after the other. Enji ate his share and got ready for his day patrol, he's also taking the night patrol. "I won't be home, I'll be in day and night patrol." Enji said as everyone nodded, he still doesn't have a clue on why Rei is still married to him.
       Enji put on his suit as he went out as usual he watches the kids head off to work or school. The day starts off pretty normal, just minor robberies, kidnapping issues. Enji handle those in quickly as possible but as the sun falls and the kids are heading home from work and school, a building in the far distance was on fire.
      Enji could see the smoke and tonight his partner was hawks so  they head there immediately. "The parents are dead but they're kids inside of there." A firefighter said and enji gave him a scowl look, "and what you still doing out here, hurry put that fire out hawks and I need eyes in the sky for witness." Enji said.
      The firefighters as start putting out the fire as quickly as possible as hawks took to the sky as enji made a run into the building. Enji looked around as he heard crying, once he got closer he kicked the door down. He was shocked on seeing two toddlers and the boy who looks no older than ten in the room.
      "Hey... it's okay no need to be afraid I'm a hero and my name is enji what's yours." Enji said taking steady steps closer to the crying and frightened kids. "I'm Carl and these are my sister's Melissa and Marissa." The kid no other ten well Carl said as enji finally got closer.
      Enji immediately picked up the kids the roof began the to fall but the children wasn't it. The three kids held on to him with a iron grip as Enji was quick to calm them down. "It's okay just clothes you eyes and we'll be out of here in no time. Enji didn't lie in a few minutes they were out of the now burned down house.
     Once they out the house crashed down as enji had the kids close in safe grip. "Thank you hero, we'll take them." A nurse said as enji nodded but the kids began to cry as they were leaving Enji's arm which has the enji and the nurse shocked. Once enji out them back in his hold, the kids instantly calm down.
     Enji took the liberty of taking the kids the hospital cause they wouldn't let him go. Once all the check ups were over and the kids were fine. Here comes the hard part, getting them to let go of enji so he could leave. "You know, it's fine I'll take them home with me until they settle down and are ready to leave." Enji suggested.
     "Are you sure, you might need to cut back on hero work and kids could be a lot of work." The nurse said and enji knew she was only saying this because of his past actions. The kids which were now asleep in his arms, enji gave her a stern look, "it's fine, I could use a few weeks off work anyways." Enji said as he got up.
      The nurse nodded as enji headed back home and once he was home he put the kids to the sleep in his bed. Enji and Rei don't sleep in the same room but that's fine. But, the next morning would a wild and confusing one.

Enji Pov
     The next morning was very confusing for my family as I walked out a ten year old and two five year olds holding my hands tightly as can be. "Go sit down darlings, I need to make breakfast." I said softly as the kids nodded, "okay mama." Melissa said and I nodded, yeah mama is my new name.
    The started calling me that last night in there sleep and when I told off they began to cry so I had to accept it. "Enji who are these sweethearts and why are the call you mama." Rei asked as my kids also gave me confused, "well, I had save them from a fire last night and they wouldn't let me go so I brought them here,"
   "then they started doing this in there sleep and when I told them no, they cried so I just left it." I finished explaining as I went to cook breakfast, Carl, Melissa and Marissa were right behind me holding my leg. "Breakfast is finished, to the table you three." I said as three let go of my leg and left for the table sitting down.
     I rest down the food as everyone ate and I took out the breakfast for the three kids as the also ate. "So since I'll be taking care of them, I'll be off work for a weeks until they can a home for these kids." I said, "where will they sleep?" Shoto asked, " In my room until I can clean the other rooms for them." I said.
   Dabi looked at me, "and how do you think you're qualified to look after kids after what you did to us, maybe you should a real mom deal it like our mom, I'm sure the kids would like that ain't the right." Dabi said as the three kids squeezed my hands, "no we'll stay with mama." Marissa said and I smiled.
     "He's a really bad man." Natsuo said and fuyumi gave him smack on the head which made hiss. "Don't tell kids that you'll be no better than father." She said as she gave him a smile. "What are their names?" Fuyumi asked, "I'm Carl and this Melissa and this is Marissa." Carl said pointing at his siblings.
     "Well aren't you three adorable." Fuyumi said as my others gave glares and scowls, "well, weep should get you clothes since you'll be staying." Fuyumi said as Carl nodded and Melissa looked at me, "we gonna get close?" She asked and smiled, "yep, very pretty clothes for all three of you." I said as the giggled.
     We got changed and headed to the mall and we bought clothes for the three kids, fuyumi went with us. It was a lot of fun a and we had a nice dinner when he went back home. The kids were happy and but I couldn't help but realize the my kids had some glint of jealousy in there eyes but I must be dreaming.

Author Pov
     It's been two months since the William kids were staying with the todoroki's. Yeah that's the kids last name and the todoroki have been getting a little bit jealous of the William kids with all the attention there getting from the own father. Enji still made and effort to make sure they're including.
    Enji made sure they're okay and still fell loved but it's not enough they want of their 'mama' attention. But the William kids are getting it and it's not fair but enji is oblivious to all of it. So, today is the day a woman comes knocking on the door. Enji opens it and it's a lovely Saturday morning.
    "Hello, I'm Megan and I'm here to take the kids as there aunt is here to pick them up." Megan said and enji frowned as he got the kids ready, "hello, I'm Helena and I'm there aunt and I want to say thank for taking care of them and I will allow them visit you since they are very attached." Their said and Enji smiled.
     "Okay kids go with your aunt, you'll see me soon." Enji said as he gave the kids each a forehead kiss and they gave a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "Bye Mama." The said as they left and the todoroki kids were literally jumping for joy as the hugged Enji as enji fell with hard on the floor.
     "Woah, woah what's going on!?" Enji exclaimed startled by the hugs, "we missed you 'mama'!!" The said and enji and this goofy smile on his face and they told him they forgave. But, Enji will never know they only reason that they forgive was because they were jealous of the William kids and let's keep it that way.
     As enji and his kids walked around the mall, the todoroki had themselves latched on him with shirts that said 'Our Mama', enji had a great day that day and for the rest of his life.  

The End
Hey guys, I'm back with they enji todoroki oneshots and we're here, so anyways I hope you guys like this story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more Enji Todoroki oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋👋

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