Part 10.4

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This is part 4 of Chapter 10


Ningshun wandered through a field of bluebells, their petals swaying in the breeze under the azure sky. Each step he took released a soft crunch, and the ground yielded like a plush carpet.

He reached out, fingers brushing the velvety blooms. As he lay among the bluebells, the faint taste of sweetness lingered on his lips, like a touch of honey that matched the floral scent around him. "This place..."

In an instant, the colors faded, and the bluebells dissolved into a swirling mist. He blinked, the dream giving way to his room. The caress of sunlight on his face filtered through the curtains, and he sighed.

"It was just a dream," he whispered.


The sun warmed Meilin's face as her eyelids fluttered open with a groan. "Morning already? No... one more hour... probably won't hurt..." Memories of the previous night crept back, and her cheeks flushed.

"And... did it help?" Meilin asked.

"Not really," Ningshun smiled, eyes roaming her face. "But seeing you here... that's definitely helping."

Meilin shot upright, her hand flying to her mouth as she squealed, "Oh, my God! Oh, my GOD! OH, MY GOD!" She took a deep breath, her eyes wide as she fanned her flushed face. "Does he like me? Why didn't I say anything last night? It's not like I've—" Her mind raced to a flashback:

"Why haven't I confessed to Meilin yet? Knowing her, she'd probably be all over me before I even got the words out!" A young man chuckled, his laughter growing louder. "Yeah, she's fun, but she's also... aggressive... vulgar... I like proper girls, and she's not... the kind of girl I'd want to introduce to my parents or even consider marrying."

"Yichen," Meilin whispered, her hands trembling as her heart twisted and tightened like a vice. "Right..." her voice cracked.

She grounded herself in the present, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"If only I were perfect. If only I weren't the way I am, Yichen wouldn't think of me like that and embarrass me... I still can't forget the pain he caused me. I don't want to deal with liking someone who doesn't like me back... I'll never show my true self again. I've locked away that part of myself and tossed the key. It's better than chasing a fantasy."

She took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and let her gaze fall on her body pillow—the swordsman, her main champion. A smile graced her lips.

"I take it back. Fictional men are my ONLY comfort! I'll gladly chase those fantasies if it means those hot—"

Her phone's alarm cut through her thoughts.

She sighed. "I can't even sleep in anymore. It's my own fault for staying up late—"

"Promise you what?" Meilin asked.

"That you'll go to sleep right after," Ningshun replied.

Emerging from the flashback, Meilin's lips curled into a tender smile. "But what if Ningshun is different? What if he does like me?"

She hurried through her morning routine, picking an outfit that highlighted her features. Her black attire hugged her waist, matching the thick, black wing of her eyeliner and the mascara framing her dark eyes. She took extra care with her hair, ensuring every strand fell in a perfect way.

She stepped back from the mirror. 'Not bad, Meilin. Not bad at all.' With one last glance, she grabbed her phone and headed out the door, her heart a fluttering bird trapped in her chest.


Ningshun leaned against the wall in the corridor, scrolling through his phone until Meilin arrived. His sharp features softened as his eyes widened a little, holding her like a shadow in the evening light. "Morning, Meilin."

"Morning," she smiled. "What were you doing?"

"Online shopping." He gave her a quick glance, then another, and cleared his throat.

'I can't believe how perfect he is. He's so strong... It's like he's got everything under control, no matter what. He's just... amazing.'

For a moment, neither of them moved. "I..." they both started at once, sharing a silent stare.

He tilted his head. "Are you heading somewhere?"

"I'm here to be with you."

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