Late Night at Rin's

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Finally, after eating their food and a few more moments of dancing, Rin lifted Haru's head and nodded towards the door, and lead Haru outside.

The streets were pretty empty, minus a few people outside of bars and clubs, and the night had become colder. The dolphin boy shivered slightly, then walked a few steps to catch up with Rin.

He was headed the complete opposite direction of Haru's house, humming the song that played in the restaurant as he walked. "Um, Rin?" "Yes?" He said swiftly, looking to the other. "My house is the other way.." Haru said, pointing to the other direction. "I know, Nanase..." He gently grabbed Haru's hand and intertwined their fingers. "I'm taking you back to my house."

Haru's body jolted. "Rin. I'm not doing anything like that. We jut started dating and I've never-" He was cut off but a burst of laughter from the red-headed shark. "Oh, please, Haru! I know better than that. Even if I wanted to, I know you aren't the type of person to go all the way on the first date. I'm surprised you'd even think such a thing."

Feeling a bit embarrassed for jumping to conclusions, Haru blushed and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry.." He mutters. "Hey, it's okay. I'm glad you're careful about that sort of thing." The shark said, pushing a piece of hair away from Haru's eye.

Within a few moments, they were walking up the stairs to Rin's house. "Well, what're we going to do here then?" The dolphin asked as they reached the top step. "I figured you were tired from the dancing and the walking around town all night. My bed is comfy, and I'll be there to keep you warm." Rin said with a smirk, unlocking the door with his key.

His parents were away for a few days, and Gou was staying with a few friends so, they had the whole house to themselves. Rin turned on the light in the living room, then leading Haru down a hallway and to the door at the end of the hall. There was a sign on it made out of some felt-ish material that had a shark on it and said "BEWARE OF SHARKS AHEAD!" In big, painted, red letters. It made Haru giggle a bit user his breath.

Rin also laughed a bit. "Gou made that for me a few years ago, she won't let me take it off." " I don't think you should..." Haru said, adjusting it so it was a bit straighter. ".. it's sweet." Rin smiled at it then opened the door.

Inside the room was a queen sized bed with red covers and white sheets and pillows, a small black work desk covered in papers, a coat hanger holding a Samezuka Swim Team jacket and a black hoodie, and a single picture on the wall next to the door.

"Wait, is that-?" "Yes, it is. The picture from when we won that swim meet when we were kids." The both smiled at the memories. As Haru stayed and looked at they're smiling, chipper faces in the old photograph, Rin walked towards his bed, lifting his jacket and shirt of his body and sitting on his red covers.

Haru turned to him, not aware he'd taken anything off. "Oh uh- what're you doing?" "I never sleep with my shirt on, silly. It gets too hot." He said, rubbing his neck. Haru looked down at his clothes and blushed, scared to take anything besides his shirt off in front of Rin. The shirt was okay because of swim but, Haru usually only slept in his underwear and he didn't want Rin to see it.

The shark giggled, taking his hair out of the ponytail and flipping it. "Come here, Haru." He said gently, motioning the dolphin forward. Haru slowly made his way over, then standing in front of Rin. The shark pulls his waist in, forcing Haru to stand directly in front of Rin, between his legs.

The shark gently places his hands on Haru's hips, looking up at him. "You don't need to be scared, Nanase. I already think you're gorgeous." He smirked, a little redness appearing on his cheeks. Haru slipped off his jacket and his shirt, then placed his hands on Rin's chest. "Well, I only sleep in my underwear and... I just feel weird being around you wearing so little clothes." "Why? You've been around me in only a swimsuit. It's basically the same thing, just a bit shorter. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Haru sighed, before stepping back and slowly slipping off his pants, revealing his royal blue briefs. One of Rin's eyebrows raised as a smirk plastered on his lips as he so obviously admired the dolphin's form. "See, wasn't that hard, was it?" He slowly pushed himself onto the middle of the bed and folded the covers up next to him, motioning Haru to come forward.

The dolphin complied, getting into the bed and covering himself as fast as he could, still uncomfortable. Rin scooted under next to him, grabbing the dolphin and pulling him in as close as possible. "Thank you for letting me stay here, Rin." Haru said, looking up at the shark. "No problem, babe." He said. Rin slowly turned Haru around and wrapped his arms around the boy's mid-section, so that his head was facing Haru's neck. He kisses it gently, then snuggling up to it, making Haru's spine shiver. "Goodnight, Nanase." He whispers sweetly. Haru giggles. "Goodnight, Rin." He says. "I love you.."



Again, sorry I've been away! This is the longest hiatus I think I've ever done. I am so so sorry I didn't say anything but, I've just been finishing school an going to a con and also going through some personal issues as well as some heartbreak so other things have been taking up my time.

Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy this new addition to Just One Bite. Sorry for anyone who thought this was going to b a smut chapter, uh uh! I unfortunately am MAJORLY uncomfortable with writing smut so, all you find here is a bunch of fluffy fluff ( with some partial nudity and waist grabbing to spice things up a bit and keep you intrested ;3 )

Also, thank you guys for getting us to OVER 11,000 READS!!! THAT'S AMAZING! Thank you all so is much, it means a lot <33

Okay, I'm done xD bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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