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Before we start, I'd thought I'd explain a few things.

This book will be set in London, UK. For those of you who arent familiar with the British school system, after primary school (like elementary), all children must go to secondary school from ages 11-15. Once they turn 16, they are free to work (apprenticeships), go to a college (basically a bigger sixth form), or go to a sixth form, from 16-18. Then they can go to university or go to work or whatever.

This book will be set in "Wawanakwa Sixth Form", featuring the cast of Total Drama World Tour + Island. 

I do not own any of the characters, who belong to Fresh TV, however I do own the plot and any original characters.

As always, I'd love to hear any feedback or what you'd look to see in this book, so remember to vote on and comment on every chapter of this book!
Love you all, now lets get started.

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