Part 1

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Author's pov

Kim Taehyung , a roughly 23 years old femboy is from an upper class family. His parents are so busy to give him time. He is always left behind with his nanny Choi Yoona who literally raised him since he was practically born.

His day starts with getting woken up by yoona-shi and then ends with yoona-shi lulling him to sleep. He meets his parents barely once or twice in a whole month. Well that's what you get when your parents are famous actor and model and are too dedicated to work

Taehyung is not close to his parents. I mean his parents were never there for him. It was always yoona-shi so you can't expect him to be close to his parents when he barely meets them or knows much about them. His mother Kim Hanata is a very famous model all across asia and europe and his father Kim Dongwon is a very famous actor

Because of their busy schedule they barely get back home, more like the one he stays at. When they remember that their is a boy who they gave birth to is living at their house they go back. Let's say taehyung didn't got a nice family. His only family , his grandmother too died when he was 19

Taehyung gets home schooled because of him having claustrophobia. And yoona-shi too has her own family which leaves taehyung all alone. He would have went into depression if it's not for that particular soloist who he stans

Well its pretty much idol and fan for him. He isn't like those delusional bitchen who take the idols as their husbands. As if they have any chance with them. The idols might not even know their existence. They are just a part of the millions of fans the idols have. Even if the idol loves his fans very much still they will be just fans. Nothing more , nothing lesso

And taehyung knows this well. But he takes his idol as his bestfriend. I mean we will keep apart the topic where he drool over his idol's picture and have posters of his idol stuck on his room walls but apart from it he one day texted his idol mistakenly in place of his friend from neighborhood

And since then he always texts his idol but never got a reply back yet he still sends text. Its like his personal diary. What he didn't knew is that , his idols reads all those messages


Jeon Jungkook, a famous soloist under MoonHit Entertainment. He has dedicated his life to music and his fans from a very early age. He has a huge fanbase set all over the world. The happiness he feels to perform for his fans is very different from the happiness he gets reading the cute texts from a certain fan of his

For jungkook his fans have played the biggest role in bringing to where he is right now and letting him archive his goal but that doesn't means he doesn't wants a lover. A family of his own. Of course he does.

Even if he shows how happy and healthy and fit he is on camera , he knows how lonely and alone he is in real life , off camera. Even if he has his friends and hyungs , they can't fill that empty place in his life

But ever since he started to receive those cute texts his days have started to get better. He somewhat has an idea that his this fan lives in Korea too because of the times when this fan of his named Fluffy_Bear texts him

Honestly he does eagerly waits for this particular fan's text. He literally knows this fan of his personally because of what what he has texted him about tgemself and also stays updated about whatever is happening in social media too because of this fan

But today he is upset. His this particular cute fan didn't texted him. His whole day went while working on a song and gym and dance practice and lunch and dinner with his hyungs but throughout the whole day he didn't received any message which got him kinda worried because this is the first time in whole 6 months of one sided texting that this Fluffy_Bear has not texted him

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