Part 3

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Author's pov

"Hello everyone" jungkook greeted everyone on his live. He is live after two months. So his fans are eagerly joining the live to spent time with him

"So. How have you guys been?" Jungkook asked slapping his thighs while taking a deep breathe with his chest puffing up

"I hope everyone is good. Me and my little family is good and healthy as well" jungkook said and took his steel tumbler filled with water and took few sips

"" jungkook looked at his side to see his son crawling up to him. He smiled and placed him on his chest and started to pat his back

"Actually my wife is busy writing the last chapter of his new book so yup our little boy is here with me. He doesn't lets my wife work. He will tap the keys of the laptop or just jump on my wife's hold to get his attention. And the deadline is near so he just left hwan with me well more like bam but bam slept while keeping an eye
on him so yup he here with me. Sometimes my boy is just too active. No?" Jungkook said and looked down at his son who just tried to crawl up jungkook's chest

"When is the new book coming?" Jungkook read a comment which was typed in capital as if the fan is screaming at the top of his/her lungs

"I don't know" jungkook smugly said and craddled his son in his hold who has started to get sleepy

"What is your son's name? Oh i haven't said? Its Jeon Hwan" jungkook said and then leaned more onto the bed's headboard.

Hwan started to whine trying to suck on jungkook's nipple after sometime. Jungkook chuckled and took the baby bottle from the bedside table from the bottle warmer filled with powdered milk and checked the temperature before adjusting Hwan's position and feed him

"I look cute while doing this? Ahh well thank you i guess. But this is my daily work since last one and a half year. I mean leaving the part when my wife breastfeeds our son" jungkook said and went through the comments

"Oh yes. I am looking forwards to the concert. My little family is going to attend it as well. It would be the first time Hwan will see me performing live" jungkook said and looked down at his son

"When is hwan getting a sibling? Hmm i dunno. Maybe after few years. Certainly not now" jungkook said shrugging his shoulder

"Recently i have been lazy to go to gym. I mostly stay at bed cuddling my wife and son or have a movie marathon with them. I feel like hibernating. It's so cold outside as well and that is making me more lazy" jungkook said while patting hwan's bummy

"Well everyone is lazy during winters" jungkook looked at his wife who walked inside their room with cup of hot chocolates and cookies

"My wife spoiles me with these" jungkook said and showed the dark chocolate orange cookie at the screen before taking a bite

"So what? My husband spoils me with my favourites. Can't I spoil him as well?" Taehyung questioned and sat beside jungkook. Such that he isn't seen that much on the screen

"Reason i need to work out more to maintain my figure" as soon as Jungkook said that he received a slap on his shoulder making him chuckle loudly while biting on the cookie with one eye closed

Hwan whined hitting his own face with his little hands while still slowly drinking his milk with closed eyes and a very cute frown. The parents stopped talking and looked at him with wide eyes. Very slowly taehyung went and brought socks and gloves for their little one

Making sure that Hwan doesn't wakes up taehyung puts on the socks and gloves on him and a cap on his head

"Let's be quiet. If he wakes up then whole night we won't be able to sleep" jungkook whispered to taehyung who softly chuckled and nodded his head

Once hwan stopped drinking his milk. Jungkook put the bottle aside before keeping hwan on his shoulder and gently patted his back to make him burp and after hearing that cute burp along with the fart jungkook put hwan on his mumma's hold

The parents chuckled when their little sunshine farted and burped at the same time. Jungkook pulled his wife in his hold with hwan lying comfortably on taehyung's chest and he continued the live along with his wife

"Have you seen Jungkook's wife and son in his recent weverse live?" A high schooler asked her friend as they walked down the street towards SweetTooth bakery

"I did. His wife is so beautiful , Anna. I mean even his hands are more beautiful than my existence and their son. Omg , the cutest baby" her friend said as they bowed at an ahjussi they knew with a smile

"Ikr. Their love story is cute. They were neighbors and then became friends , from friends they became lovers and then parents and then husband and wife" Anna said as she tangled her hands with her friend Jessica and walked with their pontails' swinging left to right

"Have you seen their wedding pics? Taehyung-shi was looking soooooo beautiful. God!!" Jessica said jumping a little

"Ikr. His earrings were looking so pretty and even though his dress was simple , he rocked that outfit" Anna said jumping over a rock

"And Hwan. Omg!!-

"Which one? Those or these?" The two friends stopped midway of their talks/gossip when the entered the bakery and saw The Jeon Jungkook with his son strapped on his chest in a baby carrier and choosing donuts

"Donuh" hwan said pointing at the animal theme decorated donuts and looked at his papa with wide bambi eyes

"Donuh" hwan said pointing at the animal theme decorated donuts and looked at his papa with wide bambi eyes

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[A/n: these are so cute!!!!! 🤧🤧🤧]

"As my sunshine wishes. Please pack these" jungkook polietly asked the one behind the counter who nodded his head with a smile and packed those donuts chosen by Hwan

"Papa papa papa!!!" Hwan started jumping inside the carrier. His legs kicking as his eyes sparkled while looking at those glazed strawberry in sticks

"You want that baby?" Jungkook asked his son who eagerly nodded his head legs still fluttering as his arms flapped with fluffy black locks fluttering a little when a gush of wind entered the bakery from the wide open door

"Ok let's get that for my bobaball" jungkook said with a lovely smile and bought a stick of glazed strawberry for Hwan and handed him the stick who quickly bite on the strawberry as soon as the stick was handed to him

The two girls couldn't process that they are seeing The Jeon Jungkook infront of their eyes. Live. With his adorable son. They cupped their mouth to stop squealing when they saw the idol turning towards them

"Oh!" Jungkook got starled seeing the two girls standing near the door

"Anneyonghaseyo!!" The girls bowed more than 90° causing their bags to flip over their head. Jungkook chuckled seeing that while Hwan laughed seeing the bags upside down on the two high schoolers' head.

His laugh is so cute that the two girls didn't even mind embarrassing themselves infront of their favorite idol. Hwan laughed with his little teethies out , especially his bunny teeths. Jungkook smiled lovingly at his son and kissed his tuft of hair and then bowed at the two girls before excusing himself

Once he left the two girls squealed loudly thumping their feets catching everyone's attention in the bakery. They cleared their throats and bowed to everyone apologetically before again squealing silently near each other's faces


So how is this one shot?
There is still few more parts. Maybe one or two more.
👉👈 vote and comment pls

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