Part 4

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Author's pov

"Good Morning president!" Hwan jumped a little holding his papa's legs when a boy suddenly jumped out of nowhere and greeted him too loudly

"O-Oh ah yeah morning" waving his hands hwan greeted the student back and walked inside his classroom with his parents beside him for the parent's teacher meeting

"Morning Mrs. Lim" Hwan greeted his classroom teacher followed by his parents

"Good Morning Hwan. Good Morning Mr. Jeon , Mrs. Jeon. Please have a seat" the teacher said polietly and gestured the parents to sit down on the chairs infront of the desk. Hwan frowned and went to switch off the fans which were on uselessly inside the classroom before coming to sit on his mumma's lap

"So, this is Hwan's report card" Mrs. Lim forwarded the card and smiled at Hwan who smiled back. Jungkook and taehyung looked through the card and felt proud seeing their son's good grades

"You son is a very good student. Not only academically but also in sports. He is a very bright student and very kind to all his classmates. We are proud to have such students like him in our school" Mrs. Lim said with a smile to the parents who smiled back and bowed to her

"May i come in Mrs. Lim?" They turned to look at the girl standing at the door with her mother beside her

"You left your maths notebook yesterday in class" Hwan said and jumped down from his mother's lap before going to the class cupboard and opening it with the key he always carries and took out the copy

"There you go. Be careful from next time" Hwan said giving the notebook to the girl who bowed to him

"Thank you president. I thought i lost my copy" the girl said and smiled at hwan

"Naah. That's fine. Just be careful next time" hwan said polietly and bowed at both of them before waddling towards his parents. Of course after closing the cupboard

"We will leave now. Thank you" the girl's mom said bowing with a smile and left

"I don't regret making him the student's president. He is the best when it comes to this" Mrs. Lim said proudly. Jungkook and Taehyung shared a look among themselves and felt extremely proud for their little son

"Please sign here" after the meeting the teacher requested the parents to sign in the register and the report card before the Jeon family left from there

"We are so proud of you" hwan giggled with a wide smile when his parents kissed his both cheeks at the same time

"Hwan!" Hwan looked back and saw his two friends Riwoo and sungho running towards him followed by their parents

"Hi!" The friends greeted each other and did a group hug wishlist their parents greeted each other

"See. I told you, our kids will be friends as well" riwoo's father said slinging his arm around jungkook's neck who rolled his eyes at him but a smile was there on his face

"What? Don't roll your eyes. We have been best buddies and now see our kids are best buddies as well!" Sungho's father said slinging his arm around riwoo's father's neck

"Yoongi hyung , hoseok hyung you guys are insufferable" jungkook said rolling his eyes with a smile

"Not as if we are lying" hoseok said as a matter of fact

"Hoba is not wrong. And also you kiddo, became a father so forgot how you used to stick around us?" Yoongi said with a fake offended face

"It's not like that hyung. I never forgot those days" Jungkook said with a soft smile and looked at his wife gossiping with two friends. Surprisingly one of them is his(tae) old friend plus yoongi's wife

"Papa , mama! I am hungry!" The kids whined stomping their feets with pouts

"Ok then. Let's go to a resturante and have our lunch together!" Riwoo's mother Aera said cheerfully and the three kids cheered as well before they ran hand in hand followed by their parents

"Oh god!" Taehyung , his old friend / sungho's mother and riwoo's mother all bit on their fingers as they sat on the bleechers and saw their sons playing football. The game is at a very intense phase and at any moment they can lose or win. They still need two more goals to win and they have just 1 minute

The fathers where looking keenly at the game. Eyes boring at each and every move of all the kids playing. Their legs where shaking with fingers crossed. Everyone held their breathe when only 10 seconds were left and still one goal is needed

The stadium is fully quite. Everyone are holding their seats and praying for their own kid's victory. Hwan stood in the middle suddenly,h looking around himself and scanning the players around him. He is the captain and he has to make sure that every player of his team got equal chance to play

He started running kicking the ball while motioning one of the players of his team who hasn't got a single chance with the ball to come near him. The opponent team players where all surrounding hwan blocking his way

"Chan goal!" Hwan screamed and passed the ball to the player of his team. The said player with all his strength and courage kicked the ball and with the slightest inch away from the defender the ball hit the net and Hwan's team Black Dragons won with two goals than their opponent team

Their parents stood up from their seat cheering for their sons. Clapping loudly with wide smiles on their face while black dragon's coach clapped too with a proud smile. The players did a group hug , cheering while the opponent team players groaned at their loss

"It was a good game. Hope to play more such games in future" with a professional smile hwan shook hands with his opponent team's captain who gave him a small smile and nodded his while shaking hands. All the players of both teams shook hands and moved forwards to receive their awards

"We are in middle school and still hwan is our captain and student's president" riwoo said standing beside sungho with a proud smile

"He got that attitude bro. Jeon Hwan is very different and he deserved everything he gets. Because that's his own hardwork" sungho said and clapped his hands when the cheif guest handed hwan the trophy

"You are right" riwoo said and all of them cheered and did a group hug before lifting chan on their shoulders and cheering as he brought them their victory by kicking the last goal while hwan stood beside his team with a proud smile

Later the Jeon , Min and Jung family celebrated their children's success with a small party in a restaurant. Jungkook and taehyung were so so proud of their son. Ever since Hwan is born he has always made his parents proud

Even with his busy schedule jungkook always makes sure to attend each and every match or meeting or everything where his son needs him. Taehyung is always beside hwan from dropping him to school to picking him up and then even taking him to his football practices

Taehyung and jungkook had did all those things for their son which they never had in their childhood. They have created such a bond with their son that hwan always comes to them for asking solution , for telling secrets , whine when he doesn't gets attention. He isn't spoiled by them. Instead he is dearly loved by them..


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