In the vibrant and bustling city of Neo Tokyo, where neon lights illuminate the night sky and breathtaking skylines stretch as far as the eye can see, danger lurks beneath the surface. Amidst the chaos and shadows, there is a man named Tomugachi Yua...
Neo Tokyo Population: 37,567,300 (as of 2055) Districts:60 Active gang members: 375,000 (as of 2056) Most occupied district: majin District 9,500,000 residents 35,000 active gang members
Gang overview: Name: Yoji Mira gang Founder: Ayoji Mira (aka A)
2nd Lieutenant: Iradera kojima
Active member count: 35,000 District : majin District Gang level/hostility: S class
Gang overview:
Name: Onmyoji Founder: Ryoji "The Serpent" Takada
2nd Lieutenant: Matsubara Daisuke
Active member count: 25,000 District: Bajin district Gang level/hostility: S class
Gang overview: Name: Kurobara Clan Founder : Kawakami Norio
2nd Lieutenant: Otani Hikaru
Active member count: 75,000 District: Onoiaku district Gang level/hostility: S class