Chapter 5

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Guys aren't you liking the story? I know it's going slow but this how the story is slow but with a lot of emotions. Please comment your feedback regarding the chapters it motivates me.. please!

Bonding is the very intense feeling of love you develop for your baby. You may feel an almost overwhelming sense of love and affection, and a strong desire to care for and protect them. Since the time Saana has met Sreesthi. She couldn't keep her mind off feeling the sense of being motherhood. An experience which starts with “joy of sharing, caring and growing together” which may have possibly not been part of one’s life until then. Undoubtedly, will begin now hearing the most pleasing and happiness invoking word, Mother”! She suddenly felt an urge of hearing this particular name from a younger one.


I never found love! Maybe I am not destined to love. I could never feel family, love, attachment! Since childhood whenever I have wanted to live by giving everything to someone, that person ends up leaving me. Be it love or something else but today when I held that girl close to my heart. I don't know what shook inside but i wish to have such a soul around me. I was thinking all these when I saw Diti approaching towards me with a glass of wine in her hand,

"What happened Saana! What are you thinking?",

She asked me while sipping on my wine, I looked at her and smiled painfully,

" I am way too alone Diti! I have no family of my own! Nomads are also better than me, at least they have a family. You tell me! How many years can one remain alone? There needs to be a person whom there is excitement in coming home to meet! You know Diti! Today a girl was lost in the mall. She was 6 years old! When that girl was crying! I don't know what then, but it seemed as if something was breaking from inside! When I hugged that girl for the first time, it felt like there could be no better feeling than this!",

I said Diti trying to make her understand what exactly I am feeling right now. While she just smiled a bit! What is there to smile? I don't know! She patted my shoulders,

"I guess This is happening, Sana because you always wanted to become a mother! These mother insticts of yours is coming seeing that child! ",

Indeed I have always wanted to become a mother. Being a mother is a big responsibility but Isn't it what I have always wanted? A kid of my own but My own now? Not possible, maybe I should adopt.

"Diti! I think, I would go and visit the orphanage tomorrow itself!",

I said her while Diti looked at me being befooled. She sighed and said being astound,

"Saana! Are you serious? I mean bacche wacche? Is not a matter of Joke!",

"I know they aren't but I want to have one!",

I said being determined on my motive.  Adoption can be a complicated and emotional process for every family member involved, but after all I am All alone. At the end of the It's me who is ever gonna be with the child. My eligibility of It matters how much I can love the child, how much I can care for it and that's what counts i guess.


The next day Saana went to the orphanage with Diti. She smiled widely looking at the bunch of kids playing here and there. The melodious squeals of the children as if was making her day merrier. She was looking here and there, smiling in all positivity. Indeed, kids arise a different kind of hope and happiness in your life. Just then, one nun came across and said her politely,

"Goodmorning Dear! May I know the cause of your arrival here?",

Saana smiled and said in a very positive and in a very subtle way,

"Yeah Sister! Actually I want to adopt any of your kids and want to fill their life with love and happiness!",

The sister smiled and lead her to the room the the main Principal of the school. 

While on the other hand, Sidhaanth came inside his mansion and was shuffling his coat to wear something to the Reunion party. Somewhere in his subconscious mind, he was getting ready to look in the best possible way in someone's eye but his mind was too  rigid to even focus on that little desire of his heart. On the other hand, Saana quickly got ready into a beautiful black saree. Soon they reached the party. Sidhaanth entered  the party. Seeing him everyone was going gaga over him, his bulging biceps were popping out in his black tuxedo. The paparazzi were Clicking him. Since the moment he entered the party. He was about to enter inside the venue when suddenly one name caught his attention,

"Arrey Saana Randhawa AA Rahi Hain! Sanaa Ma'am ! Sanaa Ma'am!",

He turned around only to see an exquisite beauty infront of his eyes. He was stunned seeing the person infront of him. Emotions were choking him up but eventually he can still read her eyes like some open book where everyone fails to read the real Saana Randhawa. Her eyes, her posture, her style everything showed power yet she looked so so vulnerable to her as if her inner soul wants to scream. While the moment, Saana's eyes locked with Sidhaanth's. The ground behind her feet slipped away. The heartbreak, tears, their moment of intimacy, the moment of love everything flashed into her mind like some film. Seeing him, her eyes became moist. Her heart was thudding loudly against her chest, emotions were clogging up her throat. She quickly ignored him for the first time as if she didn't saw him and moved towards the washroom.


No! No! Saana you can't be weak infront of him. While it's true that you still love that man somewhere No shit, he's married right now. You have no right to enter his life again! If he loved you then maybe he would never have been able to forget you so soon! He wouldn't had married so soon. and you? Till today there is a feeling inside you for that one man! A soft corner just for him! No Sana! Be bold and go outside! Face him!

Saying all this to myself, i went outside washroom and entered the venue only to find our common friend calling me. Moving towards her, I greeted her and smiled,

"I am so sorry! When I heard you and Siddhant parting away! I was so sad! But recently, I learnt that tumhari dusre Boyfriend ne bhi tumhe chorr Diya? God! Kyu?",

She said, the moment she uttered the venom from her mouth. I was raged, i could notice the smirk in her lips.

"Because Unlike you I don't beg people to stay with me! I don't chase them! We didn't got along and we parted ways! Talkin' about mine and Sidhaanth's affair! You would be well accustomed why it didn't work out? Even if me or Sidhaanth give hundreds of Explanation to people but I am sure We don't need you to give any Information! Cause you know what Drashti! I have seen in my Business world, People who are real culprits! They often come to sympathise with you after harming you and we just don't like to respond them! I hope you understand what I meant! ",

I said Drashti. Drashti was one of our common friend who only screwed mine and Sidhaanth's bond out of grudges and jealousy. Even though I don't blame her, my bond wasnt strong enough to stay rigid against all odds. Moving out from her I was standing at a corner, suddenly I heard a familiar voice,

"Heyy! How are you?",

I turned to see the person who approached me. I smiled admist my tears and nodded my head,


I said in a barely audible voice. While the person infront of me smiled.

"How Are you? Siddhant!",



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