Chapter 2

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It was a bright and sunny day outside which was perfect for a game of tag or catch.

While most of the others played games or chatted happily with one another, River sat calmly under the shade of a small pine tree.

Her dark-colored eyes kept glancing around the clearing they were in. It almost seemed like she was waiting for someone.

River was ighed softly and shuffled her paws in anticipation. "Where is she?" the small Manaphy muttered quietly to herself as she watched Blizzard and sapphire race around the clearing, laughing and dodging Wave's Hydro Pump.

She sighed again and turned her gaze upon the clear blue sky once again.

River was so lost in her thoughts that she nearly jumped out of her skin when someone hesitantly tapped her on the shoulder.

"Eek! Crystal don't do that!" she yelped, her light blue antennas sticking straight up and her aqua—colored eyes going wider than a scared cat.

Crystal smiled softly and nodded her head in answer to River's request.

"Sorry River," the blue and white Sylveon swiftly apologized. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"That's alright," the Sea Temple Guardian replied with a small smile of her own forming on her tiny face. "I was just lost in thought and you startled me a bit."

Crystal nodded her head in understanding.

"What were you thinking about?" the blue and white eeveelution asked, blinking owlishy at the small Water-type Pokémon and tilting her head to the side curiously.

River shrugged and rolled her aqua-blue eyes in fond exasperation. "I was thinking about my younger sister," she eventually replied. "Her name's Pool."

At that remark, Crystal's pale blue eyes popped wide open in shock. "Wait, what? You have a sister River?" she asked the small Manaphy with a baffled look on her face.

River just laughed quietly upon seeing the shocked look on her friend's face. It took her a moment or two before she could properly speak again without bursting out into historical giggling. 

"I have two other sisters actually," she told her with a warm smile and a sparkle in her eyes. "My other sister is a Buizel named Riptide. She was found as an egg by my mother Siren."

"Wow!" Crystal exclaimed excitedly. "That's so cool! When can I meet them?" River just smiled softy and laughed quietly at her friend's excitement.

"I think in about an hour or so," she replied after quickly thinking it over in her mind. "Could you let the others know for me?" Crystal nodded and raced over to tell the other members of Team Destiny that River's two sisters were coming over to visit them later.

Team Destiny: River the Manaphy Where stories live. Discover now