Part 1

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 Wylan's POV:

"Evening Jesper,"

"Evening!" The tall, dark boy who had just entered the tannery tipped his hat toward the man who greeted him as he sauntered through the room. "You hitting the dens tonight?" The boy shrugged.

"Probably. Just doing my last job for Kaz for tonight, you know how it is." 

The older man nodded approvingly. "So what can I do for you today then Mr Fahey?"

"Package to pick up. I have a list." He pulled a scrunched-up sheet from the pocket of his shockingly green, plaid waistcoat.

It shouldn't have looked as good on him as it did. Nor should the wide stretch of his perfectly shaped lips as he made some joke or other across the room but Wylan, who had found that he had stopped mixing the chemicals in a rusty barrel, could not take his eyes off the strange boy.

Wylan's eyes followed the boy's movements as he showed the crinkled parchment to the man at the workbench at the entrance of the room. Suddenly, he was being pointed at. Wylan immediately dipped his head down, wiping the sweat from his brow, his cheeks flushing. The boy, Jesper, was coming towards him, his limbs stretching out easily as he walked. He felt the boy's eyes on the top of his head as he approached. "A package and a pretty boy; must be my lucky night."

Wylan's eyes widened as he looked up at the boy who was leaning on a workbench just across from him. He cleared his throat and ignored the comment. "What was it you needed?" 

"Just the things on here," Jesper pushed the scribbled note across the desk toward him. Wylan felt an immediate rush of panic surge through him.

 "Umm, could you read them out to me? It's just quicker, the bottles are in the other room." 

The other boy shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly,

 "Whatever's easiest pretty boy." He winked and Wylan immediately turned on his heel to hide the blush crawling up his skin.

Wylan sifted through rows of acids and powders, searching for bottles as Jesper read the list of ingredients out to him. "So what's a gorgeous young boy such as yourself doing in a place like this then?"

 Wylan paused.

 "What do you mean?"

 "Well, you're clearly not from around here are you, so what brings you to Ketterdam?"

Was it really that obvious? Wylan shrugged, "What gave it away?"

 Jesper stretched back against a row of shelves, looking him up and down, "You're too fresh-faced for this place. They don't make people that good looking in Ketterdam."

 Wylan flushed and rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, so where do you come from then?" 

A wide grin broke out across Jesper's face, "Think I'm good-looking, do you?" He neared Wylan, who turned his head to hide his increasingly reddening skin.

 "I never said that," Wylan began packing the bottles in a large crate.

 "You didn't need to, your face says it all." 

"So how new to town exactly are you then?" Jesper enquired, watching Wylan work. 

"I've been around a couple of months now."

"Like what you've found?" 

 "It's alright, I suppose. Not much to do but work and drink."

"Then you haven't been to the right places." Jesper's eyes twinkled. "what you need is a tour, young sir- and for the record, I make a pretty excellent tour guide."

Wylan hesitated. 

"What, right now?" The boy shrugged. "Well, what time do you finish work?" Wylan's gaze flicked to the watch on his wrist. "About an hour, give or take."

Jesper grinned. "So it's a date."

"I- what?"

"I'll pick you up around 8 bells? Give you a tour of Ketterdam's finest establishments!"

Wylan's colour was now comparable to that of a blushed tulip. "okay, It's a date." he replied with a small smile.

Wylan worked through the list, trying to gather his thoughts about the conversation he had just had. Jesper fiddled with a small glass vial on one of the cases. "Don't touch that," Wylan warned as he turned around, "You'll be itching for days." Jesper pulled a face and hesitantly laid the bottle in its original position. "That doesn't sound great,"

 "It isn't- don't touch that either, just don't mess" Wylan gasped as he grabbed a bottle from Jesper's hand with an exasperated noise. Jesper put his hands up in surrender as Wylan snatched the vial from him,

"My mistake love, won't happen again." Wylan rolled his eyes and turned back to the shelves as Jesper continued to rattle off chemicals.

But Jesper's fingers just didn't stop moving; if he wasn't picking up bottles, he was tearing at the corner of the ingredients list or plucking at the buttons on his obnoxiously bright waistcoat. His hands were constantly running through the dark curls of his hair or were sat at his hips, hanging over two pearly revolvers. Wylan fought to work without letting his eyes stray toward the other boy but it was a losing battle; he just couldn't stop himself from glancing over to the pretty boy behind him.

Eventually, Wylan pushed the crate full of tinkling vials towards Jesper.

 "Thank you kindly," Jesper tipped his hat to Wylan. 

"You're most welcome," Wylan said.

 "Well, don't miss me too much whilst I'm gone." Jesper hauled the crate up, turning on his heel with a wave. 

"You think rather highly of yourself, Mr Fahey." Wylan called with a smile.

"Can you blame me, with my devilish good looks and witty charm?" 

 No Wylan could not.

"See you at eight bells pretty boy."

"See you at eight bells."

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