Chapter 7

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BentleySixx: When you can't show up to your moms empty handed

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BentleySixx: When you can't show up to your moms empty handed

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Sometimes it's weird to think about all the stuff that I have in life and all the responsibilities I now hold since joining SoulTies. I never thought that I buy a house so soon in life but I here I am in a five bedroom house in the more notable part of Beverly Hills with my wife at the age of twenty six. 

There is a part of me that gets scared every once in a while since my life is moving pretty fast so that played a huge part in why I loved being on the road. I love my wife but I have considered getting a separation as I fear that she is ready to move onto the next stages in our relationship which is having children.

We have agreed to wait but I know how women's minds change especially when all of their friends are getting pregnant and having babies. The art of making love is something that I thoroughly enjoy but having a child now is something that I'm not ready for.

"You are never really ready for children." My mother tells me as she slides a cup of coffee over to me and I nod my head in gratitude. "Even when you feel that you are, just know that you are not."

"I've never had the itch."

"Most men don't but then pregnancy happens and you're faced with the option of accepting or declining your child." She shrugs her shoulders as she begins to make her own matcha latte. "I thought I would have children young but I was twenty eight when I had you and society chastised me for not having you sooner."

I raise a brow in surprise, "Damn."

"The biggest thing especially in a marriage is communication and that means being really honest with yourself before you are honest with Jade."

"And what do I have to be honest about?" I ask as I lift the cup up to my lips.

"You not wanting children." My mother looks directly into my eyes and I feel myself freeze. "You may want children for Jade but you have never really wanted children and that's ok. I would advise you to tell Jade before it's too late even though you should have told her before you got married."

I let out a deep sigh, "Is it possible to take a break from marriage to find yourself?"

"Depends on who you married." She mumbles as she resumes making her matcha. "I thought you were really happy with your marriage."

"I am really happy." I take a small sip of my coffee before wincing at how hot it is. "I love Jade more than I ever thought I could but I kind of want to be alone so I can be a twenty six year --"

"A twenty six year old kid." My mom cuts me off and I slowly nod my head in agreement. "You had to grow up fast because of your career and I will be honest in saying that I was surprised that you got married so soon."

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