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 bottoms up☆彡

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bottoms up

my first class was history, thankfully with isabel and brittany. i walk into class noticing an empty seat between isabel and hazel, my nerves shoot up as i sit down.

i look to my left and see hazel already looking back at me, i look down and smile, "morning hazel." okay, yes, i had to admit i did have a small crush on her, but i just met her! she could be straight..which i highly doubt, but still.

"hey nari! did you hear about what happened after you left?" she ask curiously. you haven't heard about anything, maybe because of your lack of knowing anyone besides isabel, brittany, and now hazel, and the fact that you immediately went to sleep when you got home, you were clueless.

"no? what happened?" just as she was about to answer, josie and pj enter the classroom. the whole class goes from talking and visiting each others desk, to going absolutely silent and sitting in their seats. everyone looked nervous, even isabel. hazel breaks the awkward tension.

"holy shit! are you guys okay?" hazel calls out towards the close duo.

looking just as confused as me, pj answers, "what? yeah..why wouldn't we be okay?"

class starts shortly after with the teacher, mr. g, announcing some notices. a girl sitting behind josie asks, "so, how'd you do it?" i look to hazel for some context of the situation that's happening. once again, just as she was about to say something, isabel's irrelevant boyfriend walks into class with crutches hand in hand.

he yells out to josie in a hushed voice, "hey. overall bitch" he holds up a glass and smashes it on his desk, "that glass was you." 

after a long class of deadly stares from jeff to josie, eyerolls from pj because of jeff's immaturity, sighs from isabel and brittany, and lots eye contact with hazel the bell finally rings. as i walk out, hazel catches up to me. a laugh automatically slips out of my mouth because of the look of nervousness on hazel's face.

i quickly cover up the laugh into a cough, "sorry!" very smooth nari..

"do you want to sit outside with me..i mean us?" she tries to mask her timidness. she's such a loser, i need her so bad, you thought.

shaking the thought out of your head, you answer, "uh yeah! of course, i'm sure isa and brittany won't mind if i don't sit with them just this once.

"okay, follow me!" she proudly nods.

i follow her out the door to the football field, she leads me to the bleachers and lets me walk up first.

"thank you," i obviously can't see myself right now but i definitely look like an idiot right now. we sit down and wait for josie and pj to come up.

i dig into a bag of chips as she asks me, "how do you like it here so far? i heard you're new."

i let out a laugh, "uhm yeah! it's okay, it seems like everything revolves around football."
she nods her head and then it goes silent. shortly pj and josie are heard, hazel speaks up, "i can't believe they're letting you guys start a fight club."

josie seemed nervous about the whole idea, "no, they're..they're not, we are not." emphasizing the "we" in her statement.

pj on the other hand seemed on board, "what are you talking about? we're going to do it." then she went on a tangent about how it would help them.

hazel then put her input in, "look, i think this is a great idea," she had a notepad and pen out, writing ideas as she continued speaking, "there's a serious lack of female solidarity at this school."
as they continued spitting out ideas, pj asked a question that interested me. "okay, who do we know?" she asks.

"i can bring stella-rebecca," hazel says. of course i was wondering who this "stella-rebecca" was but what made me even more curious was pj and josie's reaction.

"you know stella-rebecca? stella-rebecca who models at car conventions in chicago on the weekends?" they say in unison. a hint of jealousy mixed in with my voice, "who's stella-rebecca?"

"yeah!" she looks over to me, "she's a family friend."

"okay, great! bring her then."

finally i speak up again, "uhm i could ask isabel and brittany?" this gets everyone to look at me.

pj yells out, "perfect! this is great."

it was already the end of the day, i was at my locker putting away my stuff and waiting for ro when i see hazel coming up to me.

"hey stranger!" i smile, as i put unneeded supplies away.

"hey nari. i'm not sure if you officially said if you joined the club or not." she scratches the back of her neck.

"i'm not sure how my mom would like me coming home bruised up after school, but if you'll be there then i'll be there." i didn't mean for it to come out as flirty as it did but, oh well!

"okay, i'll see you tomorrow." she runs off with a light tint to her cheeks. just in time, aurora comes walking up behind you as you turn around to shut your locker.

"who's that?" she questions, you turn back around and groan, not expecting to be interrogated.

"my friend..her name is hazel." a smile peaking through when i say her name.

ro scoffs, "yeah right, c'mon i want to get home! hurry up."

"okay, okay!" i laugh and we head off to the parking lot.

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