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bottoms up☆彡

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bottoms up

i walk up behind her, "hey! i'm so sorry i'm late."

she turns around and smiles, "no, it's okay i get it."

we stand there awkwardly for a second and i take in her outfit. she's wearing a dark green sweater and a pair of jeans, a simple outfit but it still looks good on her.

hazel breaks the silence first, she's bouncing back and forth on her heels, "so do you want to get a drink first or do you want to look around?"

i clear my throat, "we can look first. unless you're like thirsty or something."

"looks like we're walking around then." she grabs my hand and takes me to the science-fiction section. the shelves are filled to the brim with books and a few trinkets.

"is this your favorite book genre?" i ask, taking a look at the shelves.

"it's one of my favorites, the type of books where you can enjoy it but still learn about stuff." she explains, "but usually these types of books are for enjoyment." she explains, "sorry am i talking too much?"

i shake my head while picking up a book off the shelf, "it's okay, i like hearing about your interests." i grab a book to look at, then i hear a sound of a camera clicking.

"i brought a digital camera!" she says excitedly.

i reach out for the camera, "here let me take one of you." she gives me the camera and she poses. i take the photo and hand the camera back to her.

"what's your favorite book genre?" she asks, curious.

"i've been reading a lot of thriller lately," i put the book back in its place on the shelf, "i'll read any genre though, but i'm not too big on fantasy."

"i don't think i'll get something from this section, do you want to look at the thriller section?" she says.

"sure! there's this book i've been wanting, but i'm not sure if i want to get it. i might end up getting a vinyl for my record player."

she nods her head and we make our way to the thriller section, it's a bit smaller than the science-fiction section.

i search for the book i've been looking for, "gone girl" by gillian flynn. i look up to see if hazel is still in the aisle and she's already looking back at me.

trying to brush it off, i pretend to search for the book. i actually find it and grab it, flipping it to check the price.

"i found it! it's only ten dollars, i'll still be able to get a vinyl or something. i'll only be spending maybe less than 60 dollars."

she nods her head. "we can get a drink or something and then continue looking if you want!" i suggest, starting to walk over towards her.

i assume she agrees because she leads the way to the cafe area. the line is short so i quickly take a glance at the menu.

i'm thinking about what i should order until i hear hazel speak up, "i already know what i'm getting, i can pay for you."

"what? no it's okay! i'll pay for us."

the argument continues until the cashier clears their throat and asks us for our order. "i'll take an iced chai latte, please!"

"and i'll take an iced matcha latte." hazel backed down from the argument, letting me pay for our drinks, "i'll go grab us a table!" she motions for my stuff and i give it to her. "thank you, but you don't have to."

i give the cashier my card and i'm caught off guard when they ask me, "are you guys together or something?" i shake my head no, as i'm trying to avoid this conversation with a complete stranger.

"is it okay if i can have your number then?" the receipt starts to print, the smile on their face made me guilty about wanting to say 'no' so i nodded my head. they write their phone number on the back of the receipt and they hand me the drinks.

"thanks," i get a closer look at their name tag, "casey. thanks casey!" i smile, grab the drinks, and get out of there as quickly as possible.

i head to where hazel is seated, a cute spot in the corner near a window.

she lets me sit down before asking me, "what took so long?" she grabs the drinks from me and sets them down.

"thank you. i'm sorry the cashier got a little chatty." i laugh and hold up the back of the receipt trying to give her some context. her face drops before she takes a drink of her matcha, "i'm not interested though." i state, while sitting down, trying to diffuse the situation. i look back towards the register, casey 'the cashier' and i make eye contact and i quickly look away.

"is your drink okay?" i ask her while taking a sip of mine. she nods as she sits there awkwardly, playing with the straw trash. this couldn't be any more awkward.

"so uhm has anyone from the club told you about the lake house?" i get my phone out to pull the text isabel sent, "brittany has a lake house about an hour away from here. she wants to take the club tomorrow. i know it's kind of a short notice but i think it'd be fun? a bonding sort of thing."

"okay, i'll go." i smile and nod my head. "do you want to look at the records now? i'll just drink while we're walking."

"okay!" i leave my seat with my drink in hand and grab my tote. hazel gets up with her drink and we make our way to the music section, i give one last friendly smile to the cashier and catch up to hazel.

i immediately start scanning through the records, a-z. in the corner of my eye i see hazel move down towards the end of the alphabet, also scanning through the records. i still have her camera so i snap a photo of her. she looks up and holds up the record she was looking for, "ok computer" by radiohead.

"found it!" she smiles.

"perfect timing because i found what i want." i hold up "be the cowboy" by mitski and "ctrl" by sza. simple but it's albums i've been wanting for a while.

"okay, i'm ready to check out if you are." she starts walking towards me and we leave the music area towards the registers. there's no line so we are able to get in and out.

we exit the building, "this was fun, i like hanging out with you, hazel."

"i like hanging out with you too, nari."


YALL IM SO SORRY FOR LATE UPDATES😞 to make up for it im going to try and get the next chapter out asap! tonight or tomorrow :) thank u guys sm for the support! once again any feedback is welcome because i am definitely NOT writer LMAO. i love when u guys interact and leave comments! also THANKU SMSMSM for 1k views like hello what! love u

bottoms up

BOTTOMS UP ☆ HAZEL C.Where stories live. Discover now