★ 2 - Nightmares and Cereal ★

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The angst officially begins 😈

TW: Injury/abuse, blood

I woke up in my room.

Wait, my room?

Why am I back at the castle?! I'm supposed to be in the human realm with my friends! Did I dream all that? What do I-

Knock knock knock. "Golden Guard, the emporer wants to see you." A scout said from outside my room. "I- uh- okay! J-just a minute!" I stuttered. The emporer is alive? Oh Titan, what does he want to see me for?

While I was putting on my uniform, I noticed that flapjack was nowhere to be seen. I just prayed he was somewhere safe.


I reached the doors of the throne room and knocked. "Who is it?" Belos answered. "The Golden Guard. You asked to see me?" I said nervously. "Ah, Hunter. Come in."

"It's just us Hunter, no need for your mask." He said calmly. I never noticed how scarily calm his voice was. I took off my mask and stored it in my cloak. "So, um, what did you nee-" A goopy arm slashed my face. I tried not to yell in pain or cry. "I took you in, Hunter. I took care of you. You wouldn't be alive without me." He said as I clutched my bleeding face. "I only want to protect you. Why did you disobey me like this, and befriend those wild witches? I only want the best for you."

"YOU'RE LYING!" I blurted out, shocked by my own outburst. He stopped and stared at me. I couldn't read the expression on his face. I was breathing heavily, trying not to cry.


POV change! Gus' POV

I woke up to sniffling beside me. Confused, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I looked at Hunter and realised he was... crying?! Why is he crying? Is he okay? I got up off the couch and crouched next to him, shaking him gently. "Hunter? Hunter, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

POV change again! Hunter's POV

Belos wasn't moving. He was just standing there, staring at me blankly. Why is that so scary? I looked at my hands and they were covered in blood. I could feel myself starting to panic, but then I heard someone call my name.

"Hunter! Hunter, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

Is that Gus? But I'm in the castle, why would...

This isn't real.


I woke up and jolted upright. I was breathing heavily. I touched my hand to my face, and there was no blood. But I had been crying. Flapjack was perched on my shoulder, pecking at the tears on my cheeks. Gus was crouched next to me. "Hunter, breathe with me, okay?" He breathed in and out, counting on his fingers. I breathed with him until I calmed down.

"...sorry." I mumbled. "Why are you apologising?" Gus asked. He sounded more like he was criticising me than confused. "I made you worry..?" I said. "Dude. You don't need to apologise for having a nightmare. Or having feelings for that matter!" He said, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Huh." I thought for a moment. "Okay." "Good." He said firmly. "Now let's go see if there's breakfast!"

I followed Gus up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Ah, hello you two! You're the first ones up, so you get the first choice in cereal." Camila said."What's a... cereal?" I asked."Ooh, ooh! Is it like scareal?!" Gus asked excitedly. "Uhh... How about I show you and you tell me yourself?" Camila asked, clearly unsure what to say. "OKAY!" "Sure."

Camila laid out 4 cereal options infront of us; corn flakes, frosted flakes, lucky charms and coco pops. "Why are these 'corn flakes' frosty?" I asked, pointing at the 'frosted flakes', which quite literally looked like corn flakes with frost on them. "They aren't actually frosty, it's sugar." Camila said. "Oh. Can I.. try some?" I asked cautiously."Of course! Go right ahead. Just pour some into a bowl and if you don't like it, I'm sure Luz will eat it.

It felt good to know there was no way I was wasting this food. I picked up one of the bowls and poured some of the cereal. Camila gave me a spoon and I sat down at the table, where Gus was already eating his breakfast. He chose the 'lucky charms'.

"Look Hunter! They have swampwallows here!" He said, holding up a little squishy painbow. "Those are called marshmallows here." Camila said. "Cool!" Gus said before eating it. I poked at my cereal with my spoon a bit, then tried it. It was nice. I don't think I've had anything this sweet before. "You like the cereal then?" Camila asked. "YES!" Gus exclaimed. "Yes, thank you Camila." I said.

Luz, Amity and... a second Luz? Came down the stairs. I looked between the two, confused. "Oh!" Luz said, seeing my confusion. "That's just Vee's disguise. We have the curtains open, and we can't risk anyone seeing her through the window." I nodded and went back to my cereal.

"Where's Willow?" Gus asked. "Oh, she was still asleep. We didn't want to wake her." Amity said.

A while later, Willow came down aswell. She poured herself some cereal and sat down on the other side of Gus.

Once everyone had sat down and was eating, Camila suddenly said "Wait. Did you sleep in those clothes?" Gesturing to all of us minus Vee. "Uh... Yes?" Amity said. "Were we not supposed to?" Gus asked.

"Ay dios mio Luz, did you not offer your friends any of your clothes?" Camila asked. "Lo siento mami, so much happened last night that I kinda forgot..." Luz said, smiling awkwardly. Camila sighed. "It's okay mija, finish your breakfast and we'll sort it out.

When I finished my cereal, I got up to wash the bowl, but Camila stopped me. "Just leave it on the side, I've got it." I blinked in suprise but did as I was told.


"Ookayy, Gus these clothes that don't fit me anymore might fit you, try those." Luz said, tossing a pile of clothes at Gus who barely caught them without toppling over. "Yes ma'am!" He said before going to the basement to try them on.

"Hunter I don't think i have anything that'll fit you that isn't a jumper." Luz admitted, scratching her head. She had clothes for everyone else, but since I was two years older, none of her clothes fit me. "Try asking my mom if she still has any of my dad's old clothes."

"Camila?" I poked my head into the doorframe. "Yes Hunter?" she answered. "Uh... None of Luz's clothes fit me... She told me to ask if you still have any of her dad's clothes?" I asked shyly. "We do actually! Check the closet in the basement."

I found the clothes. I picked out a plain black T-shirt and a pair of yellow and black trousers. The trousers were too long though, so I just rolled them up.

When i got back upstairs, Willow came and told me we were having a meeting at the kitchen table to discuss what to do next. So, I followed her to the kitchen.

When everyone was seated, Luz slammed her hands onto the table. "Alright hexsquad! We need to build a portal!"

RAGGGHHHH I GOT IT DONE!!! I definitely won't be adding to this daily, I started GCSE stuff this year and I already have super inconsistent uploads on tiktok. But I hope you enjoyed these two chapters! :)

1264 words

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