Hold Me Close

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Y/N nervously adjusts his bowtie while standing outside Flo's door. "It could be the state championship and I still wouldn't feel like this" he laughs to himself as he knocks on the door.

After a few moments he hears a response from the other side, "In a minute!"

Y/N smiles, hearing her voice always brings joy to him. After a few moments, Flo opens the door to reveal herself stunting a beautiful silver dress. Y/N is in awe at her beauty, having to contain himself from kissing her right on the spot. Not that she would mind.

"You like what you see?" Flo says in a flirtatious tone knocking Y/N out of his trance. "Yes, I do, you look stunning."

Florence smiles at his compliment, "Thank you love, you look quite dashing yourself" she says straightening up his tie. As she walks to his car, Y/N stands still, trying to get rid of the blush on his face.

"You coming?" Flo yells from behind

Y/n quickly moves towards the car, "Yes sorry!" Y/n runs up to the passenger door and opens it for Flo. She smiles at the gesture and sits inside. Y/N then quickly makes his way to the driver's side, getting in himself.

The two make their way towards the school, listening to some of Flo's tunes. "It's a shame I couldn't get a limo" Y/N says keeping his eyes on the road, "I don't care about that, I'm going with you and that is all I need."

Y/N smiles at the compliment, "I'm going to make sure you have a night to remember" Flo squeals in excitement "Ooooo I can't wait!"

The gymnasium was filled with students. Music blared and colors flashed throughout the room. Y/N and Florence joined the crowd and started to dance. Y/N struggled to keep up with Florence's dancing. She was a star and it showed as handfuls of people stopped dancing to watch her. She took a moment to look over at Y/N standing and watching in admiration. She closed the gap between them and began to help Y/N match her moves.

"I am so lucky" Y/N said as the two danced in unison. Florence smiles, "Why's that?" Y/N looks at her right in the eyes, "You are amazing, you managed to get a bunch random people to stop what they were doing to look at you" Y/N catches Florence off guard and spins her around and dips her down. The two faces inches apart. Florence grins, "and yet my focus is solely on you"

The two inch forward but before they can connect the song ends, leading to an eruption of applause from the various bystanders. The two break apart, both of them with somewhat disappointed looks on their faces.

After a new song starts up Y/N breaks the silence between them, "You want something to drink?"

"Yes please" Florence says, "don't take too long" she says with a smile on her face.

"As you wish" Y/N says in his best posh accent causing Florence to laugh. He makes his way to the punch table and starts to pour some glasses for the two of them.

"She is absolutely bodying you out there man" Calvin says from behind, "You would think with footwork like yours, you would be a better dancer" He jokes setting a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Y/N laughs, "Shut up man, they are completing different artforms."

"If you say so" after Y/N finishes pouring Calvin begins to fill two glasses as well, "Everything is ready, just waiting on you big man."

Y/N nods, "Tell Lenny I'll be out there in a minute."

Calvin does a mock salute, "Yes sir."

"You are lucky that the team needs you" Y/n shakes his head and walks back over to Florence.

Y/N makes his way back over to Florence, weaving through fellow students, attempting to not spill any of the freshly poured punch. He roams over to where the two were before and sees she isn't there, confused, he looks around until he spots a group of people crowded around something chanting "Go!" repeatedly.

Y/N smirks, knowing exactly who is putting on a show. He walks over and pushes his way through the crowd, spotting Florence in all of her glory, dancing like nobody is watching.

The two meet eyes making Flo stop. The crowd cheers as she makes her way to Y/N, smile on her face.

"Took you long enough" She takes one of the cups from Y/N's hands and gulps it down, "Had to make sure I didn't spill anything."

She chuckles, "Aww how thoughtful" she sets her cup down, "Now when am I going to get my dance" she says getting even closer to Y/N.

He smiles, "You can get it, if you catch me" Florence's expression changes to confusion, "What do you me-" before she can finish Y/N takes off through the crowd, "Come get some!" he yells.

Florence quickly takes off her heels and bolts after Y/N, determined to catch him.

Y/N manages to stay ahead, eventually leading Florence to outside and onto the football field, Florence screaming at him in confusion. Eventually once he reaches the middle of the field he stops, laughing to himself. "You are shockingly fast, have you tried track?" he says as Florence reaches him.

She playfully pushes him and catches her breath, "You better have one hell of a reason leading me out here" Suddenly music starts to play through the loudspeakers, Y/N looks up at the press box and sees Lenny giving him a thumbs up.

Y/N looks back at Florence, "Shall we dance?" Florence smiles widely "About time."

Y/N pulls Florence close and the two start to slow dance under the bright lights, the two gaze into each other's eyes, their gazes never faltering

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Y/N pulls Florence close and the two start to slow dance under the bright lights, the two gaze into each other's eyes, their gazes never faltering. "This is amazing Y/N" she says in a slightly hushed tone.

"I told you this would be a night to remember" The two smile at each other, swaying side to side. Y/N takes a deep breath, "Flo, you have given me a spark I have never felt before...you have filled a hole in me I didn't know that needed to be filled" Florence stays silent taking in every word Y/N says, "I will just cut to the chase...will you be my gir-"

He is cut off by a pair of lips crashing into his, once the initial surprise wears off him, he allows himself to enter a blissful state. The two passionately kissing until the air leaves their lungs, they reluctantly break apart, catching their breath.

"..is that a yes" he asks knowing the answer already, "what do you think?" Florence says before closing the gap once more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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