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Y/N runs down the stairs, it is almost time to go to the bowling alley.

"Dad where are your keys?"

"Right here" (F/N) tosses Y/N the keys, "You remember what I taught you?"

"About bowling? Yeah somewhat"

"it's all about the form" (F/N) says while imitating said form

Y/N laughs, "Yeah, I'll be sure to do that" he says in a skeptical tone, he walks towards the door

"Hey Y/N take this" F/N puts a condom in his hand

Y/N rolls his eyes, "It's just bowling dad"

"Hey, I said that to my parents too, then boom you became a thing"

"Whatever" Y/N chuckles "Bye dad"

"Be safe"

Y/N walks out of his house and towards his dad's car. It was a typical sedan, nothing show-off worthy but it did its job. He offered to pick Florence up, but she had something to do before the event, so instead Y/N would be taking her home after.

Y/N pulls into the parking lot and takes a deep breath.

"Y/N is that you?"

Y/N looks out the window and sees Calvin with his girlfriend Ashley waving towards him

Y/N looks out the window and sees Calvin with his girlfriend Ashley waving towards him

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(Ashley portrayed by Emily Rudd)

He gets out of his car and walks towards the couple 

"I see the old man let you take the wheels out for a ride" Calvin says as the two dap each other up.

"I told him that I'm taking Flo home and he immediately gave in" Y/N says, and the group all chuckle

"I can't wait to finally meet her, she sounds amazing" Ashley said

"I am shocked you haven't met her yet" Y/N said surprised

"Our schedules must be the exact opposite" Ashley replied

"We heading inside?" Calvin said pointing towards the entrance

"Lead the way"

The group all head inside and pick out a lane, along with each person getting their shoes from the counter.

"When is your girlfriend showing up?" Calvin asks as the group is waiting

"She is not my girlfriend yet, but she had something to do right before this so she might be late"

"Aww you said yet" Ashley teases, "Ooo do you think it has something to do with movies?"

"Probably considering she refused to elaborate what it was"

Y/N looked over at the entrance and spotted Lenny with Sophie, but one detail made him bust out laughing,

"What is so funny?" Calvin and Ashley ask simultaneously

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