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When I got to my fifth month mark Abel and I learned that I am carrying twins and our girl is just like him. 

when Abel heard the tech say that he looked at me.

"we will keep her stress free and the remainder of your pregnancy will not be over barring. I'm with you for the long haul." he told me

I kissed him and thanked him for not being so scared that he'd high tail it outta dodge.

When the others learned that our baby girl has the Teller flaw they wished us the best of luck.

Abel told him he's not gonna leave me defenseless that he will help me no matter what.

Jax gave him a hug and told him how proud he is that he isn't running off. and that he's gonna be there for his and my baby girl.

Now here I am eight in half almost nine months pregnant. and I'm basically doing the waiting game.

the last scan the tech said that its a huge possibility I'm gonna have a c-sesection since Haisley has heart issues. 

I know that no matter what. Haisley and Jeremiah will loved and neither of them will be favored over the other.

I was singing in the glider of Haisley's nursery when Abel got home

"Serri" he called out

"yeah?" I replied 

I could hear him walking towards the nursery

he peeks his head in seeing me sitting there rubbing my belly.

"come let me help you" he says

I looked at him confused

"your nipples are leaking so much its came through your shirt" he says

I looked down and sure enough my nipples leaked a huge wet spot

I sighed and slowly yet carefully got up and waddled to my hubby.

he pecks my lips.

"love you" he says

"love you more" I say

we go to our room or was gonna but my water broke and I cried rather loudly.

Ab rushed to grab the bag before he came back and helped me from the hallway to the front door and in the passenger seat of my car while he quickly went to lock the house and hop into the driver seat before he rushed off.

it wasn't even an hour after we arrived and Abel told them what was going on that they took and rushed me off.

when Ab walked in he knelt by my side and whispered words of encouragement while they cut my stomach open and got our kids out.

I heard the sounds of both Jer and Hais crying before they showed them to us and rushed off with his.

I laid there crying and silently praying that mine and ABe's baby girl is like her father a fighter.

After I was stiched up and taken to a room they handed Ab Jer and told us when they could they'd give us an update on Hais.

it was about twenty minutes before someone came in the room.

"she is recovering greatly. we lost her for a short moment before getting her back." the doctor said

I laid there crying hearing that mine and ABe's baby girl died before they brought her back.

"she's just like you" I say

"yeah she is" Ab says as he laid Jer in the cot they brought in.

"our strong girl" I comment

"very strong" Abel agreed.

I dried my eyes when I seen them bring Hais in.

"she's doing great just have to be really careful" the nurse said

"I will" I say

once I had her in my arms I fell in love with her like I had her brother.

neither of our twins had to stay over night which was great. 

When We got home and the tins was in their cots Abel and I went to bed and just relaxed.

"shit I forgot to call everyone" he says

"you was to busy being a loving husband and worried dad. its normal" I say

he agrees with me before he calls everyone to share the news about our babies arrival.

after he talked to everyone we both crashed out till our babies woke.

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