two - SMUT!?!? 🙀🙀

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You and Sinom where ved.

He turned to look at you. "You hoe" he looked at you with desperation in his eyes.

You didn't really like what he said. "You tasty crusty dusty musty old man." You flirted with him.

He got angry and killed you.

Your ghost appeared in front of him "MF THATS WHY BETTY DED"

you assended to the afterlife while you heard Simoñ Crayin and throwing up from behind.

The end.

The end

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Tasty old man [Semen Petcock x Reader 💀⁉️🔥😩✨✈️🏢🏢💥😿🔥✊✨😩]Where stories live. Discover now