11th July 2011

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10th July 2011

Louis and Harry had just arrived back from a short trip up North to see their parents before heading to Los Angeles.
Louis had driven up and collected Harry on his way back to London. Even just 2 days apart had made them long for each other like crazy.
Harry had been fidgety the whole drive, sneaking glances over at Louis when he thought the older boy wasn't looking. Running his hands through his curly hair. Louis heard Harry letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Parking his car, Harry jumped out and immediately took Louis' hand and pulled him into their apartment.
„What is it, sun? You have acted all strange on the drive down!" Louis asked, noticing how Harry avoided meeting his eyes.
„Mmmhhh, remember what we were talking about before we left?" Harry said shyly, his cheeks flushing bright red.
„What? Taking our relationship further? Sleeping together?" Louis replied straight out.
„Lou," Harry winced embarrassedly and continued after Louis embraced him from behind. „Yeah, that. I want to sleep with you. Like now, but... fuck... thats so hard."
„Take your time Haz, just take your time. Do you wanna sit on the couch and get comfy?"
Harry just nodded and followed Louis over to the large velvet sofa.
„I started touching myself down there while I was home..." Harry admitted, turning crimson red while talking about exploring himself. Louis watched him closely, not sure where Harry was going with his little talk.
„Did you like it?" Louis asked carefully, trying to judge Harry's reaction, who scrunched his nose up.
„Not sure Lou, it bloody hurt and it was only my finger..." Harry admitted, breaking eye contact and turning his head away. „How bad will your dick be?" he added, choking on his words.
„I want you Lou, so much! But it scares me at the same time! You know me and pain." The words were out and there was no going back now.
„Did you use any lubricant sun?" Louis asked level headed, pulling Harry closer.
Harry looked up at him, with wide eyes, realization dawned on him.
Slapping his hand right in front of his head, Harry groaned. Louis couldn't stop a smile spreading on his lips.
„Oh love," Louis giggled and pulled Harry in for a kiss.
„Shall we give it another go? Go exploring? See where we go from there?" Louis suggested and pulled Harry up.
„Come on sun, let's have a shower." Louis told him, dragging him behind into their bathroom.
Louis made sure he thoroughly washed Harry, letting his hands glide over every part of his body, gently punching his sensitive nipple and brushing over his dick. Harry's lips initially brushing softly over Louis', the need in him only intensifying the kisses, nippling on Louis' lower lip, before pushing his tongue into his mouth, battling for the upper hand.
Groans were filling the shower cubicle as Louis broke the kiss and started kissing along Harry's jaw, down his neck, marking him with hickies before continuing his loving assault on Harry's chest.
Circling his nipples with his tongue, biting lightly into them, made Harry moan out loudly.
„Not going to last Lou!" Harry whined, being pushed a little harder onto the wall to get steadied, Louis continued his onslaught. Steadying Harry's hips, Louis placed both his hands onto them, kisses going further down south.
Swirling his tongue in and out of Harry's belly button, Louis followed the hairy trail until he made contact with Harry's erection which was already leaking.
„So good for me," Louis praised, letting his tongue slide over the oozing slit, licking all that Harry had to offer.
Louis couldn't help himself, staring at the beauty that was Harry's cock, before opening his mouth and taking the head inside his mouth, bobbing up and down.
Harry's hands were pulling slightly on Louis' hair, trying to ground himself, feeling overwhelmed by Louis' touches, bringing him close to the brink.
Louis' own cock was crying out for attention, seeing Harry in such obvious bliss was a huge turn on.
‚Back to the task!', Louis kept repeating in his head over and over again. Louis noticed the change in Harry's breathing and the taller boy tried deeping the friction with messy uncoordinated trusts while Louis' hands held him steady.
„So close," Harry huscily moaned, the tingling feeling deep inside him bursting out, his cum filling Louis' mouth and a loud „Lou," filled the room.
Letting Harry's dick slide out of his mouth, Louis stood up and placed a soft kiss onto Harry's lips, making him taste his own cum. Looking up into Louis' deep blue eyes, Harry whispered, „I love you so much Lou."
Nestling his head onto Louis' shoulder, Harry looked down and moved his hand towards Louis' erection, touching it gently, wanting to repay the favor.
„No Harry, I would love to wait, see if we can take it further? Believe me, there is nothing more like you making me come, but this is all about you sun."    
After a minute longer under the warm water, Louis pulled a still dazed Harry out of the shower, dried him and himself before pulling him onto their king sized bed.
Harry looked up to him with astounded eyes, licking his lips and getting comfortable on his bed. Louis kept stroking over Harry's soft skin, showering him with kisses all over his body.
Harry took all in, sensory overload making sure he didn't get too deep into his thoughts. Louis knew exactly how to keep him relaxed and feel good.
„You okay for me to start touching you? Explore?" Louis asked, never breaking eye contact. He could have missed the faint nod Harry was giving.
„Words, Darling. Please tell me," Louis requested.
„Yeah, keep going. Please Lou." Harry nearly begged, feeling so good and not wanting it to stop.
Harry heard shuffling beside him, one of Louis' hands never leaving him, keeping contact. Louis opened the bedside drawer and pulled out a tube of lubricant. Opening the tube, Louis squeezed out a generous amount onto his fingers and positioned himself between Harry's spread legs.
Kissing along Harry's inner thighs, Louis let his index finger glide over Harry's hole, stroken over the sensitive skin. He heard Harry taking a sharp surprised breath, but felt him relaxing as his finger continued to massage the skin between his hole and balls. Applying little pressure, Louis breached the hole easily with his index finger, sinking into the warmth up to his first joint, letting a loud moan escape Harry's  lips.
Giving Harry time to adjust, Louis stilled before slowly advancing his finger, bending it ever so slightly.
A gasp escaped Harry. „Do it again!" he encouraged Louis as his cock came back to life, reaching down to touch himself.
„Stop it!" Louis warned, „I'm gonna take care of you sun." Harry drew in an audible breath and with red cheeks immediately let go of his cock, so eager to comply with Louis' request. Louis  continued, stroking up and down Harry's trail of hair on his lower abdomen, brushing over his dick every so often. Swirling his finger around, Louis felt Harry relax and he added a second finger with care, starting to scissor Harry open, adding more lube before he added his third one.
„How does it feel love?" Louis asked, watching Harry closely as he lay there with his eyes closed, panting slightly.
„Full, like I have to take a shit, unaccustomed but in a good way. Keep moving Lou," Harry whined, pushing into Louis' fingers, suddenly nearly jumping into the air as Louis unintentionally brushed over his prostate, all the while Louis had to stop himself from bursting out laughing, little giggles escaping him.
„Do it again! Feels so good," Harry tried again to get friction on the spot.
„Do you want to take it further Haz?" Louis asked, conscious of Harry's initial hesitation.
„Yeah, make me yours Lou," Harry gasped, desperation in his voice. Feeling empty once Louis withdrew his fingers, he felt Louis shoving a pillow under his bum and spreading his legs further apart.
Smothering his erection with a generous amount of lube, Louis gave a quick stroke over his dick, which already was leaking precum. Pulling Harry closer to himself, he lined up in front of the gaping hole, slowly pushing into the hot cavern.
His head was just buried inside Harry, when he heard a hiss, making him stall.
„Want me to stop sun?" He asked, overwhelmed himself with the sensation of being inside of Harry.
„Hold still, give me a moment," Harry stuttered, willing his body to relax, the burning stinging sensation trying to overpower him.
"Of course baby. We have all the time in the world," Louis said hurriedly, his hand finding its way between their bodies to Harry's cock, which he gently stroked up and down to distract Harry from the first uncomfortable feeling. Taking a few deep breaths, Harry involuntarily pushed and trying to expel Louis cock, it having the opposite effect, letting Louis slip in further.
„Fuck!" Harry moaned, as Louis' dick brushed over his prostate, making his own dick leak copious amounts of precum.
„Fuck, this feels good! Again Lou, again!" Harry begged.
Louis' head was spinning, being deep inside of Harry being the best feeling he ever experienced and he knew he was very close. Reaching for Harry's dick, he collected the precum and started stroking up and down, making Harry roll his hips. Louis' dick slit in further, hitting off Harry's prostate, making him come hard and fast.
Harry's tight muscle contracting around Louis' cock was all that it needed and he was pushed over the edge too. Harry's rhythmic contractions milking  the orgasm out of Louis.
Louis collapsed on top of Harry, both breathing heavily. Louis dick slit out of Harry, making him hiss, his legs collapsing onto the mattress.
Louis showered him in kisses, holding his face in both of his hands. Harry's eyes were shining with unshed tears, his emotions all over the place. He pulled Louis closer to himself, inhaling his scent deeply and trying to ground himself while Harry's hands digging into Louis' back, leaving marks.
Eventually Louis rolled off Harry, taking in the younger boys spent bliss.
„I love you so much Harry," Louis whispered, having to swallow down his own emotions. Harry looked so beautiful and his face said it all. Two became one.
„You good my love?" Louis enquired and saw Harry nodding, a small smile spreading over his face.
„Yeah, so tired though," Harry yawned.
„Let me quickly clean you up sun," Louis said, standing up and getting a wet face cloth, wiping Harry gently down all while Harry watched him with hooded eyes. Throwing the face cloth onto the tiles ensuite floor, Louis climbed back into bed and pulled Harry close to himself.
Harry snuggled into Louis and it didn't take him long to fall asleep listening to his boyfriend's heartbeat.

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