[nsfw] chemical hype boy

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learn how to seperate fiction from reality
both characters are 18+
not canonically aligned
for entertainment purposes only

02:09 AM

park jongseong, an college scientist, kind of, has finished concocting a potion. he called it, a love potion. as corny as it may sound, it has large effects on the people who consume it.

he made this one extra special and fitted exactly to his long-term crush, yang jungwon.

him and yang were very good friends and went to the same schools for their whole life so it was quite common to see them together.

in these very long years, jay realized his feelings for the boy and feared to be rejected and labelled as a freak due to him liking the same gender.

when college came, both boys didn't have alot of time for each other and focused on their studies but still texted each other.

jay focused on extensive studies in science while jungwon focused on photography and art. he had quite the talent for taking photos and stirring up beautiful drawings that jay always loved.

and that's why this potion was made. thanks to jay's very extensive studies, he made a love potion.

it worked like what you think a love potion would do, but. it had more to it.

since it was tailored to yang, most were effects inferring to him.

“ more interested boba eyes, purring while intercourse, etc. ”

jay even had the effort to finish the drink at the time of jungwon's birthday.

february 9 = 02:09 AM

he had multiple photos of the boy, ranging from when they were young to where they are now.

he stared in awe and wished the boy was there with him.

he palmed his clothed bulge and smirked while looking at the photos.

a few days later..

the pair met up at a cafe and talked about life. they enjoyed each other's company.

" hyung, how's your studies on science? i heard it's been hard for you. "

" well, it is really hard. i've been through a million exams, million tests on some potions i thought would work but ultimately failed in the end. i don't have anything finished at all. "

jungwon stared with a little frown on his face, knowing how his friend was having alot of troubles on his studies but was glad he was doing well.

after a few minutes of talking, the younger had to go to the restroom.

this was his time to attack. it was the most perfect thing in the world. they were in the very corner of the cafe, it was dimly-lit and not alot of people were around. he took out a dropper from a bottle and spilled a few of the potion into jungwon's coffee.

since he did mention how these are tailored to jungwon, it takes atleast an hour to kick in.

he thought of that because of jungwon's time in the shower.

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