Who are you !

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WoOf!..wof!.. ruff! ruff!...!


Shut uuup!!

Euijoo's dog kept barking non stop


Euijoo a young man in his twenties unemployed, and has no social life

He lives alone with his mom in the countryside

While his dad goes to work in the factory for months cause he can't afford going back home, only during vacation , so Euijoo barely saw him since he grew up he only received financial aid to take care of himself and his mom

Infact they were poor.

And for that reason Euijoo wasn't able to finish studies, he was unable to rent an apartment or get a place in his Uni's dorm.

His dad promised he would save him money, and didn't want his only child to end with the same destiny doing labor and getting exploited in order to make a living starting from a young age,
He wanted his child to finish studies and become a doctor.

Euijo rolled on his bed, to the side where his phone was pluged
And checked the time, half asleep


Daaal !!" euijoo whined loudly as he called his dogs name" ... this stupid dog !'

"Euijoooo !! Euijoo's mother come to yell after him from downstairs, she must be sick of hearing the same noises every time.

"..Come downand ge hghn...... you r dog insghhju"

Her words were moufled Euijoo couldn't hear her clearly , maybe because he had covered his head with the pillow
Hurry up !!"

Ok ok I am awake .. I got it !!"
Euijoo covered his eyes as he was blinded by light coming from the front door

He pushed the mosquito net and went outside .

To pick his starving dog who was barking from boredom, seeking attention as always

"Not bare feet, put your shoes On boy!"
His mom was complaining from the back

Euijoo left a big sigh.

Before he yelled tiredly
"Come here mooncake I got your food!!"

But the way the dog kept barking as if he was being scared of something blocking him in his place.

Made Euijoo rush inside to grab his dads hunting rifle and walk back outside to check around

Euijoo couldn't see it at first
The long grass was hiding his dog.

There was something there too
Euijoo approached carefully

His dog doesn't eat rabbits so he wouldn't be bringing any from the forest it must be somet....

.wAaa waaah ...Umma!!! "

Euijoo fell to the back and crawled away toward the house

What what is it ?!!!"


Omg... i- is he alive ?"

There was a boy lying in their garden.

He was all naked and covered in injuries



Who is he ? ....Your friend "

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