What are you ?

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"Someone is inside the house!"


Euijoo left the dinning table in hurry


The dog climbed the stairs ahead of him

Daal No!! "


Euijoo ran upstairs too following the dog instinct and wherever he was chasing
Many things run into euijoo's mind , what could someone do in the second floor in his house, what if they reached the boy.


A loud thud was heared
Euijoo fell hard to the floor as he was being attacked suddenly by something

Something heavy was on top of him fighting him

" aagh !! "
Euijoo kept wrestling with him
Until he couldn't and ended up pinned down

growling and loud breaths covered his face

Euijoo stayed calm, as the mysterious guy was hovering on top of him, sniffing him crazily like an animal

He had no idea what he was trying to do to him!! But he didn't want to freak out and just waited until he calmed down too

When euijoo attempts moving
He unintentionally drove the boy angrier who grabed him from his neck
Wait. Wait !! "

Euijoo didn't want to be choked

He woke up !! Euijoo's mom cheered before she noticed what was happening
Mom don't come closer!" Euijoo stopped her

All the boys focus was on the main male enemy under him, euijoo's mom was not representing any threat

The wolf stared darkly in Euijoo's eyes trying to scare him, asserting dominance.
Euijoo couldn't maintain any eye contact it made him so uncomfortable

"Listen I know how must you feel, but I am not the enemy, I took care of your wounds, and this is how you repay me?"
Euijoo pointed at his wrapped up wounds suddenly

The boy seemed to notice it too,
It was less painful, he could move his shoulder too.

he looked dumbly confused for a second before he pulled off euijoo immediately.

Are the most bad creatures
A human kills a human doesn't help him !

But him
Is he a wolf too?' A voice inside his head spoke

Euijoo massaged his neck nervously trying to get over what just happened

The boy must have been really scared to find himself in someone's house in this state, he can't blame him.
But why is he so barbaric ?

Euijoo explained to him everything in details from the start and how he ended finding him
The strange guy had nothing to add
"Do you ... remember anything from what happened?"

" Anything? before coming to my house?!" Euijoo asked to kill his curiosity.


What about your name ?"


You don't remember it either?"
Euijoo felt like talking to a wall he was quiet disappointed.

He glanced at his mom who was by his side, and she shook her head losing hope before she left.

While Euijoo stayed with the guy so he wouldn't move anywhere since his wounds weren't fully healed yet

My Wolf  | Nichojoo | &Team Where stories live. Discover now