Chapter 26- The Unicorn's horn

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During the same day, Sakura worked at the hospital, she received a note from a raven, that William wished to donate the extra money to the hospital

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During the same day, Sakura worked at the hospital, she received a note from a raven, that William wished to donate the extra money to the hospital.

Sakura was perplexed by her nephew yet again.

It is amazing, and scary how William does good not out of care, or that he wants to do good, but he does it, because it is the right thing to do. He shows no emotion and acts like a soldier with unmoved loyalty to the right thing. He is indifferent to good but does it anyway.

At the very least, he is sane, despite his fight with Sasuke.

After work, Sakura went home. When she got home, she found Sasuke reading a cookbook.

"Oh, Sasuke?" Sakura said. as she was putting on an apron. "Is there something, you want for dinner."

"I am looking for something for tomorrow night, something with a lot of meat in it?" replied Sasuke. "William will come for dinner tomorrow."

When Sakura heard this, she was surprised.

"Oh my, that is quite the surprise?" said Sakura. "Although You should have consulted me first, but I guess tomorrow should be good."

Sakura thought for a second. She is happy about William, her nephew, coming for dinner. Dinner is a good way for him and the family to bond, but why would William agree to a dinner?

"So how did you convince him?" asked Sakura, hoping Sasuke did not use force.

"To be honest, it wasn't all me, a friend convinced him." Said Sasuke. Flipping the pages "By the way, do we have the ingredients for Teriyaki chicken, broccoli, and rice."

Sakura checked the freezer and pantry.

"Yes, we do." She replied.

"Good and one more thing." Said Sasuke, sitting up. "Dinner should go fine, so as long as we remember what Macduff said."

Sakura glanced to the side in disappointment.

"I can't help but not trust Macduff all that much." Said Sakura.

"The fact of the matter is William does, and that should be good enough for us." Said Sasuke.

Sakura looked down in sadness. When she figured William Wallace was her nephew, she had hoped she would meet her long-lost sister, because she may be alive as a result. However, her sister is dead, leaving her nephews, William Wallace, and David Bruce as orphans, but why is David in a completely different clan to William?

Due to Macduff's warning, she can not ask William, for that would make him go insane. Oh, she wanted to know, but may never.

Sasuke told Sarada that William would be coming. Sarada was naturally surprised, but happy that William was coming.

"Sarada." Stated Sasuke. "Whatever you do don't ask him about his past."

Sarada remembered what Macduff said, so it would make sense that that would be a condition.

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