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Savannah was well connected. I'll give her that. She came from good stock. Her father, a respected judge for over forty years. What money he'd made legally barely touched the stash he made under shady circumstances. 

But those were all unfounded rumors, as the judge was fond of saying.

They'd nipped at Savannah's father's heels for years, but, like I said, unfounded. 

The men courageous enough to even suggest impropriety suddenly developed cases of complete amnesia. Or if they kept their faculties, were victims of random accidents or unfortunate suicides.

Such was the fate of honest men who dared cross the shadow of the honorable Judge San Sebastian.

For her part, Savannah flourished as a not-so-beautiful debutante, wilted as the years passed without one single proposal of matrimony, and was reborn when she found the power and influence that could be wielded in working for the advancement of those less fortunate.

Social work was her salvation.

It was just a hop, skip, and jump to the logical conclusion that she needed to open and run her own children's home.

Especially after joining forces with the Honorable Judge McElroy Budge. 

Savannah's father had died when she decided to embark on her new quest to find homes for babies and little children. So he was useless.

There were many couples just aching to adopt, and for a price, willing to look the other way when it came to procuring that tiny little bundle of joy that would complete their perfect idea of a family.

 Savannah was only too happy to provide them with that warm, beautiful, tiny bundle that made their dream come true.

The price was steep, but then again, Savannah was talking perfection.

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