Chapter Six: The Biggest Mistake

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Our Secret Betrayal

Chapter Six: The Biggest Mistake

It's been about half an hour, and the power popped back on about ten minutes ago, and Roman and I were cuddling on the couch as I traced my finger along his chest.

"Roman that felt so amazing." I breathed out.

He smiled at me with pride shining inside of his grassy green eyes. He ran a hand through my hair.

That's when it dawned on me. Did I just sleep with my sister's boyfriend? Oh no, no, no. . .

I jumped up out of his embrace from the couch, and threw my clothes back on while throwing his clothes at him.

I felt like such a slut. I'm the worst big sister in the history of big sisters! How could I have done something that was so wrong? So immoral?

So. . . sinful?

"I promise to never let anything come between us."

I shook my head. "You have to go!" I yelled out on the brink of tears.

Roman looked at me confused. "Christen. . .I though-"

"You thought what? That we were just going to have sex, and fall in love?" I screamed out.

"No, but I-"

"That everything was just supposed to work it's way out?"

"Well, I-"

"Just get out! Leave before someone sees you!" I screamed at him as he quickly threw on his clothes.

"Christen would you just calm down?" He suggested.

I tried to take in deep breaths, but my air was caught by the guilt of what I have just done. What was I thinking? What came over me?

I knew deep inside it was wrong yet I still did it.


I shoved Roman towards the door. "Forget any of this ever happened. Just go, and forget everything."

"Christen. . ."

"Go! I never want to see you again!" I croaked out.

He looked me deeply in the eyes with a stare of disbelief before he seemingly got the hint, and walked out on his own. I closed the door behind him and locked it before sliding down to the floor.

My little sister was going to hate me. Her first serious boyfriend, the guy she called and told me that she had fallen in love with. The one she talked about for hours. How ironic that we use to always argue because we were so different. Now we finally seemed to agree on something.

No not even something, but someone.

I hated myself right now for it, for all of it yet I couldn't bring myself to regret it.

It was strange, even as all these tears fell from my eyes I couldn't find myself thinking anything along the lines of I wish I could take it back or if I could do it all over again I wouldn't.

I couldn't find myself saying those things because none of it would be true. Absolutely none of it.

I really like Roman, and I'm attracted to the guy badly but in the end he's still my sister's boyfriend and I have to learn to respect that.

If I could. . .

I. .

I . . Just don't know who I am anymore. I don't think I wanna know. I don't know what came over me or why I've just done what I did.

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