Chapter 10 ~ the abscondee ~

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"just leave it, I'll do it" Ian said in irritation as Phikhuam fumbled with Ian's wet shirt after pulling him into the shallow end of the swimming pool.

"of all the infantile ... " Ian complained under his breath as Phik' smirked.

"oh stop whining, it's a glorious afternoon and we have the pool to ourselves" he said.

"but I would have liked to be given a choice" Ian responded.

"I couldn't resist, you were acting all jealous and cute and I just wanted you in here with me"

"I was 'not' jealous, I was just saying that if the guards can help you then there's no need for me to stay"

"there's every need, do you really want other people touching my body?" Phikhuam said.

"you didn't seem too concerned about that earlier though" Ian said.

"ah see, you're acting jealous again "Phik' smiled.

"I'm not fucking jealous, would you just ..." Ian swore for the first time since they had been sharing the cottage.

He tugged at the wet fabric finally managing to pull it off and throw it on the side of the pool before sitting on the side of the pool to remove his now soggy sandals. Next he undid his pants and peeled them down to reveal his boxer shorts beneath, shaking his head he spoke,

"I hope you realize I have to walk back to the cottage in my underwear"

"there's no one about, don't worry"

"what about the guards? you might not care about flashing your bits to everybody and their dog but I do, I ...."

"I'll order them to turn their backs" Phikhuam cut him off laughing.

"so what now, you can't swim because of your cast so what are we actually doing in here?" Ian asked.

"just cooling down, chilling, chatting, enjoying the ambience ... that is when you stop whining" Phikhuam said.

"I have never whined in my life!" Ian said.

"I beg to differ but anyway, how are your friends?"

"they're good, listen I was meaning to ask you, do you think you can manage without me tomorrow night?"


"does it matter why, does your answer depend on what my plans are?" Ian said.

"I'm just asking, shiyaa" Phikhuam said.

"it's Champ's last weekend before he flies home next week, the guys want to go out somewhere" Ian replied grudgingly.

"where?" Phik' quizzed him.

"no idea, maybe a club"

The last place Phikhuam wanted Ian to go was a club especially without him,

"what if I need you?" he said.

"that's why I'm asking if you can manage without me?"

"I won't be able to get washed up" 

"I'll help you before I go out and make your dinner too" Ian added.

"but what about ..."

"Phikhuam, I will make sure that all you're needs are met and if for some reason I overlook anything then ask one of the guards like you did earlier" Ian said.


"no buts, I appreciate that you've been very kind working with me so that I can still see my friends every afternoon but it's Champ's last weekend and I'd really like to go so unless there is something important I'm just going to have to go anyway and let the chips fall where they may. I wasn't asking for your permission Phikhuam, I was asking if you could manage without me so if you want to terminate our agreement just say the word"

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