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Swamp Biome

No one could believe human being on either side could keep their mouth closed...Kenji himself was the most shocked.

There before him was his sister, Karina Kon, last time he'd seen her she was still 12 years old and much shorter, but she was 14 by now he thought.

Her brown hair flowed intricately as she was too shocked to make a move.

Her brown hair flowed intricately as she was too shocked to make a move

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Karina Kon

His father was standing besides her...looking at him as if he had grown two heads, then again so was everybody else.

Nobody could believe it, and they didn't know what to feel...Kenji's sister...his dad, they were the people that ran this God forsaken company, it just didn't make sense.

Geleel didn't know what to feel about everything that was currently transpiring.

He knew Kenji's dad wasn't the best...but to run Mantah Corp? The Allstar couldn't wrap his head around it...and Kenji had a sister this entire time? How come he never mentioned her, she didn't look too far from their age either, definitely around 14 or so.

Nobody was more conflicted than Sammy, the people who blackmailed her family...almost got rid of their farm, were led by Kenji's father? She didn't want to believe this at all.

"I...I..." Kenji tried to find some words but when his sister ran forward and drew him into a large embrace he fell completely silent.

For one, he still couldn't believe this, and for two, he couldn't recall the last time he and Karina had hugged...

"We...We thought we lost you, Kenj." She said to him as he returned the embrace and tightened it.

"I still can't believe it, my son is alive." Daniel said as he dropped his tablet and immediately ran over to Kenji and Karina.

"Dad..." Kenji trailed off with a smile, his emotions were all over the place now.

"No way." Was all Darius could say.

"Kenji's sister and his father were the mystery voices..." Brooklynn trailed off from besides the dino nerd.

Yasmina looked at Geleel, the latter had yet to take his gaze off of Daniel...what was he thinking about?

Sammy cleared her throat before walking up to Kenji and grabbing onto his arm.

"It is sooo nice to finally meet Kenji's family, Karina was it? And ofcourse you too Mr. Kon, hi, I'm Sammy Gutierrez." Sammy began as Daniel and Karina realized almost immediately.

"Kenji is she your..." Daniel trailed off as he noticed his son blush and nod.

"Wow, you seem like a nice young lady as well, congratulations son." Daniel congratulated his son as he smiled and pulled Sammy a little closer.

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