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The Compound

As the Sun shone down on the compound, the kids were all in the lounge area grabbing some food.

Geleel sat on the couch as he once more watched his friends from a distance, it was nice that they all slept together last night and all woke up at different times this morning, but once more, that gnawing feeling of suspicion kept eating at his mind...he still couldn't eat.

He watched as Yasmina, Brooklynn and Darius prepared different plates of breakfast, his stomach longed for some sustenance, for he was starving for just as much time as them...but the uneasy feeling that still plagued him did not allow him to quench his appetite.

'I hope this goes away soon...I gotta find a way to eat something without my body rejecting it.' Geleel mentally stated as he felt his stomach twist a bit, it had been almost 3 full days now without him eating so much as a morsel.

"Ah, what a beautiful day, the Sun is shinin, no dinosaurs are chasing us, and most importantly, breakfast is served!" Sammy exclaimed as Geleel watched her run up to Yasmina with a plate of food.

"Feels weird to not have to worry about anything, for once." Yasmina responded to her best friend.

"Yea definitely, I myself am very relaxed." Darius said awkwardly.

"Oh yea, me too! I'm like...chiiiiiiilllllll." Brooklynn drug out in a strange way as she rested her elbow on Darius' shoulder.

Sammy and Yasmina both shared wary glances at eachother before walking away from the two younger teens.

"Yikes." Brooklynn said to herself.

"Yup, that was awkward." Darius added as they sighed.

"Do you think any of them realized yet?" Brooklynn questioned Darius as he nodded.

"I'm not sure, if they have they haven't said anything." Darius assured her as she huffed.

"Good, I don't want any of them to know what happened between us while they were asleep." Brooklynn said as Darius deflated a bit.

Was she embarrassed about what they did?

'Ofcourse she is, anyone would be embarrassed to share a moment like that with me.' Darius mentally stated.

"Hey Darius." He heard Brooklynn call his name.

"I enjoyed it." Brooklynn said as Darius' eyes widened.

"I'm gonna go eat on the couch." Brooklynn said as she left Darius there smiling like a fool.

The pinkette then sat herself down next to Geleel.

She was taken back when the allstar damn near leaped out of the couch as she sat.

"Woah, what's up with you? Why so jumpy?" Brooklynn questioned Geleel as he sighed.

"I don't know...thought something was up, my bad." Geleel apologized as Brooklynn's eyes softened at him.

Something was up, but she didn't want to pry.

"Hey G, did you eat this morning?" Brooklynn questioned him as he looked at her with a pause.

"Uh, yea, I ate before you guys came in here." Geleel flat out lied right to her face, now, there was no way for her to prove that wrong, Geleel as always, was the first one up, so no one knew what he did or didn't do before they woke up.

However what she did not know, was that the allstar spent the first half an hour of his morning staring at his reflection in the mirror, the scars all over his body, some from Brooklyn, some from Nublar, but they were all a testament to his life and how much adversity he'd overcome to this point, yet here he was, weak, couldn't even eat like a puppy who had been struck with a sickness.

Camp Cretaceous:ExodusWhere stories live. Discover now