Best Friends, Bitter Enemies

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The camp fam was all but ruined right now…everyone was in a different state of worry.

Sammy didn't know what to do with herself…she didn't know what was real and what wasn't at this point, it just seemed like everything that happened in the summer of 2015 to now was just set in place to cause her pain.

Brooklynn sat with her knees to her chest as she solemnly stared at the ground, she wondered if all those years she spent stuck behind a camera entertaining the internet randos, was meant to lead her to this point in life.

Ben was busy eating away at the blueberries that were in the cage, he had always been a stress eater since he was too little to fully formulate sentences, at least that's what his mother told him.

Truth be told the boy was more than stressed by now, he thought Karina was the one to understand him fully, she seemed to be a direct parallel to him, someone he could finally open to, and whether he'd admit it or not, the boy had grown to fancy her in that way, unfortunately, she forced him to realize she was just like everyone else in this cursed world…bitter.

Perhaps the most distraught member of the team was the beloved trackstar, she had barely gotten a lick of sleep since they were imprisoned.

Why? You may ask, well that would be due the fact that she'd rarely taken her eyes off of the cage that housed her boyfriend, even more tantalizing, the boy had barely moved an inch ever since what Mr. Kon did.

The only thing letting her know that he was even still alive was when his back would heave ever so slightly…signifying that he was still breathing.

'He didn't eat…he almost drowned…he's not moving.' All of these thoughts plagued Yasmina to no end, she just wanted to scream right now…but she bit it back? Why didn't he eat when they were at the penthouse? What was bothering him? He seemed fine to her, but clearly she missed something.

'Some girlfriend I am.' She mentally berated herself as she bit back her tears and continued to watch her boyfriend's downed state in sorrow.

"Wow." Everyone except for Yasmina turned to the dryness of Sammy's voice.

They all had hardly spoken any words up until this point, so naturally her voice was a bit hoarse from disuse.

"He really…he really turned his back on us…on me, just like that." Sammy stated in a distraught tone, as if she was fighting the belief that Kenji had left the group to die all this time.

"I just…I just can't believe it, even after all this time." Sammy continued as her voice hitched and she hid her face in her arms.

Brooklynn and Ben shared a look before approaching Sammy, even Yasmina's face faltered a bit at Sammy's tone, but she still didn't take her eyes off of Geleel…she couldn't.

"I just…I just don't get it, why would he do this?" Sammy questioned Brooklynn who drew her into a half hug.

"I…I…" Brooklynn stumbled for an answer.

"That's just it, you think you know someone and you can trust them and open up to them and let yourself be vulnerable to them…then they show you every reason why you should never trust a soul on this God forsaken planet, I don't think there's anyone on this world that genuinely cares about everyone equally and reciprocates love, people only show affection when it's…convenient." Ben stated solemnly as Brooklynn and Sammy both gave him wary expressions…the latter's tear stained face couldn't even say anything.

Ben was usually quiet about his true feelings due to the fact he was in a new era of himself…but who woulda knew that he was harboring these feelings all along.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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