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I finally got home, stretching as I got through the door.

"y/n!? Your back!" Ryu screamed running to me and pulling me in for a hug, I froze.

"I was so worried since you wasn't back on time, where was you??" He asked pulling away to check my face

I moved away, pushing past him to go upstairs,
"I was out with a friend"

He gasped, a toothy smile on his face as he nodded walking back into the kitchen like nothing happened. I walked upstairs into my room, putting my bag down and taking my shoes off as I flopped onto my bed. A yawn slipped past my lips as I got up from my bed, 10minutes after.

I changed into comfy clothes before going downstairs to get something to eat. Ryu was no where to be seen but it wasn't nothing unusual, he goes work after I get back from school. I looked in the fridge for food but there wasn't anything I liked. Looking in the cupboards, yet the same outcome. I sighed as I made my way back upstairs, getting my phone and calling a pizza place.

A while past and the pizza finally arrived, I took it into the kitchen after paying and sat at the kitchen island, getting a slice of pizza and eating it.

School don't seem so bad so far..I thought continuing to eat. But that weirdo sat behind me needs to stop, because if he tries shit again he's gonna have a bob cut.

I got full after the second slice, closing the box and moving it to the side incase anyone wanted it later before going to bed since I was exhausted.

The next morning

I was already awake due to over sleeping so I quickly got ready and headed downstairs to make breakfast.

"Y/n-" Ryu was cut off as I already walked downstairs fully dressed.

"You seem different lately, why are you up so early?? And already dressed" Ryu questioned, his brow raised.

"Ryu shut up, I over slept" I explained, grabbing a piece of bread and putting it in the toaster.

Ryu just hummed

My bread finished toasting, I took it out and buttered it before taking a bite, sitting down and scrolling through tiktok.

Ryu picked up his keys and got his shoes on, going to the door before shouting for me

I rolled my eyes, getting up and going to the door.

"It's early I don't need to leave yet-"

"We're going to pick someone up" he cut me off


We walked out and got into the car, as we drove off.

Pulling up Infront of a massive white bricked house a black haired male who wore a white plain top and grey sweats walked over to the car, a smile on his face as he pulled the door open getting in the back.

My brother began speaking to the guy as I ignored the two, watching tiktok again. That was till I was rudely bothered.

"Hey, y/n your 18 right?" The guy asked to which I nodded.

"I have a brother your age, he goes to the same college too, you know him?"

I shook my head
"Doubt it"

"Ah alright" he then went back to talking with my brother as we drove to school.

The car journey felt like forever, Ryu and this guy laughing and shouting even though it was so early in the morning.

Finally we arrived outside the gates. I quickly got out, not wanting to stay with the two for much longer.

"Bye y/n!" Ryu shouted, waving from the window.

"Bye" the other guy smiled softly as they drove off.

I made my way into the building, going to my locker to put my bag away.. That was until someone grabbed my shoulders and span me around, my back towards them. Facing a white haired boy, who seemed to be around my year.
His eyes a lilac shade that perfectly complemented his tanned skin, his hair messy but in a flattering way.

The boy just galred down at me before glancing at the person behind me.

"Tsk.." he picked up a bag from the floor before walking away.

I turned around to face the person that still clung to my shoulders, only to be met with that guy that almost tripped me over yesterday.

A shy smile tugged at his lips as he scratched his nape,

"Sorry for that..he was gonna kill me" he sighed, pouting slightly.

I pulled away from his grip,

"It's fine" I said through a half cared tone.
To be honest I just wanted to leave him but I couldn't since I felt it would be rude, so I stayed to accompany him as he began to speak again.

"Aren't you that girl in class 3...uhh what's the name..Ran was on about..ughh (random name)?"

I laughed a little before shaking my head,

"Ohhhh yeah y/n..sorry" he chuckled as we bagan walking to class.

"I heard you have a thing for Ran ya know" the blonde spoke.

"Excuse me? I have zero interest in that freak" I defend myself.

"Ahh ofcourse not, the names shion by the way" he said, stopping at a class door.

"Well Heres my stop, I'll see you around Y/n" he smiled, dragging my name as he waved goodbye.

I continued walking, a few doors down and I got to my class, going over to my seat.

"Y/nnn" an annoying voice cooed from behind me making me groan in annoyance.

"Y/nnn I got your book~"

I turned in my seat to face the guy,

"Okay? So keep it if you want it that much"

He let out a dramatic gasp, clutching his shirt,

"And here I thought we was friends"

I raised a brow at him "then you thought wrong"

A deep chuckle left his throat as he nodded in defeat

"Alright, alright"

The teacher walked in making everyone go silent.

Class began, a book planted beside me on my desk by Ran. Picking up the book I read the cover, it was mine. Opening it I was about to start righting when I noticed a little message written in the bottom corner.

The message:

Are u free after school today??
If u are so you wanna go to the firework show ?
It's meant to be really pretty.
If u don't wanna idm but I hope you come.

Call me if u decide to go ;)


A small smile formed on my lips as I laughed a little, I took my phone out and copied the number, saving the contact before crossing out the note. Begining to start the lesson.

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