Please Don't Leave (i need you more than you need me) | Jason & Tim

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Tim Drake Angst, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake Gets a Hug, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Protective Jason Todd, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Angst, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Crying, Men Crying, Panic Attacks, Hugs, Platonic Cuddling, Song: Trees II (McCafferty)


It's weird, Tim and Jason's relationship.

When they'd first met, Tim had been looking up to him for years, long before ever taking up the mantle of Robin himself, but as the new Robin, Jason hated him. Jason saw Tim as nothing but his replacement, just some kid who took his place after he died- after Joker murdered him- and he was forgotten. So, Jason tried to kill him. Jason beat the kid to a bloody pulp and Tim's infatuation turned to hated as the trauma set in.

A few years have passed since then, and while the two aren't constantly at each other throats and can actually have a civil conversation and crack trauma jokes that would make anyone else uncomfortable, the scars are still there. Neither of them has forgotten their first encounter and Tim will never forget the pain.

So, this is definitely a surprise. 'This' being Tim, still in his Red Robin gear, curled up on the old, ratty couch in Jason's safe house when the latter gets back after a long night of anti-heroism.

"The fuck are you doing here, Tim?" Jason takes off his helmet and domino mask, setting them both on the small, wooden table in the center of the room. He isn't mad, not really. For all he knows, Tim could be injured, and the safe house could've been closer than the Batcave- it's happened before (it amazes Jason how the younger always gets in without setting off any of the multiple traps, and also worry's him- should he set more, should he blow this place up and start over?). "You hurt?"

Tim doesn't respond, not verbally, and Jason almost misses the small shake of his head.

Okay, the kid doesn't wanna talk. That's fine. Jason thinks to himself as he takes off his boots, setting them next to the table. "I'm gonna go to bed, then."

(By bed, Jason really means the futon hidden away in the only room in this place other than the bathroom and the weapons vault, though that's hidden (everything else is just one big open space))

"No!" Tim jumps off the couch so fast, the movement startles Jason more than the kids broken down yelling. The kids' cowl is off, and his own domino mask is dropped to the floor when he stands, falling from his lap, and his eyes are rimmed red and wet with tears.

Jason only now realizes that Tim is shaking, violent shudders wracking through his whole body. He's in front of the older in an instant, shaky hands gripping onto Jason's jacket, and he looks up at his adoptive brother with a desperate plea in his watery eyes.

Jason fights back the urge to shove Tim off of him, maybe flip him over his shoulder, the sudden touch activating his fight or flight response- he has to stop himself from leaving too, because the situation is awkward and Jason's never been all that good at comforting people, but his little brother (when had he started thinking of Tim as family?) needs him so he stays, slowly wrapping his arms around Tim.

Tim slumps against Jason's body, who easily supports his weight, and sobs into his chest. Pleas of "don't leave me" and the like slip through Tim's sobs, but Jason gives no response, instead just holding his brother close and letting him cry himself out.

They stand there for a while until Tim's sobs die down and his body stops tremoring so violently, though he's still somewhat shaky, and he's taking deep breaths against Jason's chest. With Tim finally calming down, Jason starts to pull away, but Tim's grip on him tightens and his breathing quickens up; Jason holds him close once more, rubbing small circles into his back, and takes deep inhales, followed by slow exhales for Tim to match.

As Tim copies Jason's breathing, Jason starts whispering, voice quiet as so not to startle the younger. "Are you okay?" He pauses. "Never mind. Wanna stay the night?"

Truthfully, Jason doesn't think Tim is in any state to go back to the manor and considering the whole "please don't leave me" thing, he probably doesn't want to. Not now, at least. A nod against Jason's chest proves him right.

"You gotta let go, Timmy, so we can get to the bedroom, okay?" Tim whines in response, making no move to let go. "Alright. Want me to carry you, then?"

A small nod, and Jason is telling Tim to jump, then he's picking up Tim like he weighs nothing, his hands under the others' legs, which are now wrapped around his waist. Slowly, Jason walks them both to the small room he calls a bedroom, filled with his futon, a small dresser/nightstand, and a radio plugged into the wall.

When the older leans over to carefully drop Tim onto the futon, he's met with some resistance, though Tim (reluctantly) lets go when Jason promises he's just going to change them both out of their... 'work' uniforms and then Tim can cling onto him all he wants.

The younger curls up on the bed as Jason peels off his armor and lets it fall to the floor, then grabs a pair of sweats and a tank to change into, grabbing another pair of sweats and a t-shirt for Tim. Speaking of, when Jason tells Tim to sit up so he can slip off his suit, Tim actually listens, making Jason's job here much, much easier. The older then shimmies the sweatpants up Tim's legs, holding back a snort at how loose they are on him, then pulls the shirt over Tim's head, this time openly snorting at how small Tim looks in it compared to Jason himself; Tim gives him a half assed glare as he lies back down, though the glare is quickly forgotten as Jason tells him to scoot over, then lies down next to him.

Tim is immediately clinging to his older brother again, head on his chest and arm around his waist, and Jason wraps his arms around Tim's back in return. And really, the cuddling (Jason will deny it's cuddling) is making it easier for both men to actually fit on the small futon that definitely is not meant for a fully grown man and his nineteen-year-old brother.

Both of them fall asleep in the comfort of each other's arms, and Jason is happy to not have any nightmares plague his rest for once.


When Jason wakes up the next morning, Tim is gone, though the space next to him is still warm, and there's a note on his dresser/nightstand: invest in a bed for fucks sake.

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