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I'm going to be using acronyms just like other fan fiction stories, but don't worry, I'm going to use the basics and tell you what they mean in case you're a new reader.

Y/N: Your Name
L/N: Last Name
(List to be continued if needed.)

⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
- Cursing
- Fat shaming
(List to be continued if needed.)

Y/N Notes: You have an older brother (24) named Kayden, a little sister (6) named Avery, and a mom named Elizabeth "Elise."

Timeline: All South Park students are, respectively, in their middle teen years. In general, everyone is much older compared to the show, so the characters will all have a normal but older age difference (I hope that makes sense).

Background: The story takes place in the town of South Park, of course! As for the seasons, it will mostly stay snowy with occasional warm days, which will feel like summer.

Extra notes: I'm not going to use abbreviations throughout the story since not everyone knows each and every single one; the only exception will be when the characters are texting themselves.

Authors note:
If you read this far, I appreciate it. I put a decent amount of effort into making this information page, so you understand what you're going into so that there is no confusion. I would also like to note that I tend to type fast, which means there may be doubles of words, bad grammar, and misspelling, but I'll still try to make sure that they're all accounted for. Writing stories like these helps me improve my writing skills and helps me share my love for writing stories. Anyway, I'm done rambling; you're free to go read now! Enjoy!

- themanywaterfalls

Kenny McCormick x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now