Chapter One: Good Morning

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*Beep beep*

"Ugh..." I groaned.

I pressed the off button on my alarm clock and stared at the ceiling for a couple minutes.

After a couple minutes of pondering, I realized I had forgotten to do my homework for science class.

"Darn it—I knew I shouldn't have taken a nap after school." I said to myself,

I stood up only to realize the house was quiet—too quiet. Not even a sound from my older brother Kayden or my little sister Avery. As I walked downstairs to see if mom had made anything for breakfast, I saw a note on the dining room table.

Sorry, Honey. I got called into work early, so I couldn't make you breakfast. I left you money so you could buy breakfast at school. Have a good day! -Love, Mom

"Yay..." I mumbled to myself as I walked back upstairs to get ready for school.

I used the restroom and brushed my teeth before heading back into my room to sit at my desk and stare at my homework.

"I still have to do my science homework," I said to myself. "Eh, I'll do it during breakfast at school."

I opened my bag and stuffed my homework in. Afterwards, I put on my black leggings, my baggy white shirt, and my boots. After that, I put my hair into a messy bun with stands at the front, framing my face to make it seem like I put at least some effort into it.

I grabbed my bag along with my house keys, and since it seemed to be extra chilly outside, I grabbed my favorite almond sweater before leaving the house.

-Time skip-

"I wonder if Butter's is at the bus stop today." I thought to myself.

I have been best friends with Leopold "Butters" Stotch since I can remember. We would always beg our moms to make play dates for us when we were little. Heidi Turner was also my friend; that was until she left me and Butters in middle school to go hang out with the popular kids, and it's been that way ever since. I'm known as the quiet kid because I don't talk to anyone unless I need to. That's probably why my only friend right now is Butters.

As I walked to the bus stop, I could hear a lot of screaming coming from a group of boys.



I only knew who one of the boys was, and it was Eric Cartman. Everyone knew who Eric was. He is always getting himself into trouble.

"HI Y/N!" Butters exclaimed, interrupting my train of thought.

"Hey, Butters," I said with a smile.

"Did you do the science work?" Butters asked.

"No, I forgot; I was going to do it during breakfast."

"It's okay, Y/N; I forgot to do mine too. Want to do it together?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey, I was thinkin-" Butters was saying before getting cut off by the bus arriving at the stop.

"What were you saying, Butters?" I asked.

"Nothing important. Let's just go, ladies first," he said politely.

"Alright then," I said while walking onto the bus with Butters.

Butters sat down and patted the spot next to him, inviting me to sit with him, which I did. Butters and I were talking about the new PlayStation until the bus made a sudden stop.

*Bus screeching*

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"I think the bus driver lady forgot to pick up a kid," Butters said.

Before I could say anything, a boy in an orange parka stopped in front of the bus, panting.

"MUMPH!" muffled the boy. It sounded like he yelled "WAIT" to the bus driver.

"I'm glad I didn't miss you, Kenny," the bus driver said as she opened the bus door and let the boy on.

"She's a lot nicer than our old bus driver," I mentioned.

"Do you mean Ms. Crabtree?" Butters asked.


"Well, no one is better than Ms. Crabtree; she was always yelling at us."

"Yeah. Hey, that boy's name is Kenny, right?" I said, pointing at the boy up front.

"Yep, that's Kenny," Butters affirmed. "I heard he gets in a lot of trouble for sneaking out of class to see his girlfriends."

"Kenny seems so innocent and well-behaved," I said.

"Not at all." Said Butters. "He hangs around Cartman, so he couldn't possibly be innocent."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I said as I stared at the buildings going by through the window.

-Time skip-

The bus arrived at school, and the kids all got off the bus except for Kenny. He was waiting for everyone else to get off first, including me. I got up, walked to the front of the bus, and thanked the bus driver before getting off with Butters, who did the same. I looked behind me as we were walking into the school to see Kenny with his arm around his new girlfriend. I turned back around and then went to sit in the cafeteria with Butters.

- themanywaterfalls

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