Chapter Two: School

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-In the school cafeteria-

Still, Y/N's POV

"Let's put our bags at the table before getting breakfast," Butters suggested.

"Yeah, I don't want anyone taking our spot," I added.

Butters and I put out bags at our seats before getting in line to get breakfast. As we slowly made our way up the line, I could see the breakfast options listed on the door.

"Pancakes with sausage or cereal? That's it?" I asked.

"Yeah, you should get the cereal," said Butters.

"How come?"

"It's because the pancakes taste like cardboard and the sausages are like hockey pucks; they're as hard as rocks."

"PFFT—if you say so," I snickered.

We both got cereal, milk, orange juice, and a tiny yogurt. When it was my turn to pay for my food, I checked my pockets for my money only to realize I forgot to grab the money before I left the house.

"Um, I forgot to get my money this morning," I said, almost breaking a sweat.

"Miss, you have to have money in order to get this. I'm sorry, but I just can't give it to you," the lady apologized.

"It's okay; do I leave it here then?" I asked.

"Mhm," mumbled the lady while nodding.

I left my tray and exited the line without waiting for Butters. I walked to my seat and pulled out my homework since I had nothing else to do.

"Hey Y/N, what's wrong?" Butters said while walking up to me.

"Nothing much; I just couldn't get breakfast because I forgot my money at home," I sighed.

"Oh, well, you can have my yogurt and juice," Butters said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "You don't want it?"

"Of course! I don't want you to go hungry; besides, cereal is enough for me," Butters assured.

"Thank you, Butters," I said, smiling back.


"Where did he come from?" I asked myself.

"Shut up, fatass," said Kyle.

"BUT KYLE, look, she's perfect for Kenny," he continued.

"Just shut up, Cartman," a boy in a blue hat with a red pom-pom on top replied.

"HEY, STAN," Butters beamed while waving.

The boy in the blue hat with a red pom-pom, Stan, punched Carman in the arm for his rather rude comment.

"OW!" Cartman yelled. "I thought you guys were my friends."

"Dude, you were being a douchebag," said Kyle.

"OH?! You know what? Screw you guys, I'm going somewhere else," Cartman fumed.

After Eric walked away, all the boys went to sit with Craig and his friends, including Butters.

"I guess I'm doing my science homework alone," I said to myself.

I continued my homework for a little while until I felt somebody sit in front of me. I looked up and saw a girl with black hair and a purple coat sitting in front of me. It was Wendy Testaburger, one of the popular girls.

"Oh, hey, Wendy." I said, continuing to work on my homework.

"Hello!" Wendy greeted. "If you don't mind me asking, how come you're sitting alone?"

"Well, it's because all the boys went to sit at Craig's table."

I pointed to the table behind me without even looking.

"Don't you have any girlfriends to sit with?" she asked.

"No, not really; I don't have any girlfriends."

"Oh, I see. Well, do you think I could be the first, then? she asked.

I looked up at Wendy, confused. Last time I checked, Wendy was a popular girl, and she was asking me of all people to be her friend.

"Yeah, sure," I replied anyway.

"YAY!" Wendy cheered. "Oh, by the way, do you need help with that?"

"With what?" I asked.

"With your homework, I'd be glad to help."

"Oh, well sure. I could use some help with this question here."

Wendy sat beside me and helped with my homework, and before we knew it, breakfast was over and we had to go to class. Afterwards, Wendy and I started walking to class.

"Thank you for helping me, Wendy," I said.

"It was really no problem," she said. "Who's your teacher?"

"Mr. Garrison."



"Where do you sit?"

"I sit in the back corner, near the window."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I never noticed you."

Wendy must've been a little embarrassed because she turned a light shade of pink.

"It's okay; I get that a lot. I don't really talk much."

"Well, I'm glad I know now. Let's get to class before we're late." Wendy said.

"Yeah, I really hate getting detention for being late," I replied.

Wendy and I speed-walked to class and just barely made it before the late bell rang. Wendy went to her seat, and I went to mine and sat down. As Mr. Garrison walked into class, he was having a fit about his relationship problems again, and we all had to listen.


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