Will'o The Torch

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Harry Potter and all related works are owned by JK Rowling. I make no money off this and the only character I own is Walter Torchwick.


He grew up with stories of magic. Watching movies, playing games that had magic involved. When he died of a stress induced heartattack, followed by a stroke, he knew that was it. Then he came back. All his memories came at once and the shock created a fire. For now he was reborn as a wizard. A orphan that had known nothing other than the orphanage since he was brought there as a newborn. With it now burned down and he fled to the streets, the mind of a forty year old grown man in a six year old body. Realizing what this meant he began to train himself. He started with meditation and attempted to organize his thoughts. In two years time he had created a virtual kingdom inside his mind. The second thing he attempted was trying to levitate objects, magically picking locks and cast illusions. After another year he made progress and decided to move to reading minds as well as sensing his surroundings by use his magic as a type of sonar. This took a further two years.

To stay alive to the age of eleven he took to stealing, pickpocketing and burglary. Using his shape shifting abilities he robbed people by impersonating them to make withdrawals from banks or commit robberies. This have him a fair bit of wealth. When a barn owl dropped off a letter to him in the abandoned church he now lives in, he lept to his feet and made his way towards London.

Several trips in taxis later and the orange haired boy with vibrant green eyes stares at a cobbler wall in The Leaky Cauldron. Soon he is walking down Diagon Alley, pickpocketing, stealing pouches and asking for directions to Gringotts. Once inside he quickly walks up to a goblin teller and asks to open a vault and to exchange his currency. In a matter of moments a relatively short goblin with thick black hair and a crooked nose escorts him to the back.

"Name and age."

Smiling at the surly goblin, the boy replies.

"Walter Torchwick my good sir. My age physically is eleven, however my soul is fifty one."

"Reincarnation. Hmm. The exchange rates are twenty percent", the goblin smiles nastily.

"How about instead of robbing me we make a deal. I get my vault on a twenty percent discount, you take five percent for the exchange rate and I give you thirty percent of my next entry. As a motion of good faith, I'll give you this."

Two bags of brown leather are dropped onto the table. The greedy goblin looks inside to see a fair bit of gold coins. Said goblin quickly pockets the bags and smiles.

"This transaction never happened the way and you now have a vault Misser Torchwick."

"It's a pleasure doing business with you Misser, forgive my manners I never got your name."


"Mister Ripthroat. Now then," eight more bags hit the table and six wallets as well as a bookbag full of jewelry.

"You can have half the jewelry, but first let's do some business with these fat and lazy wizards."

The two can feel that this is the beginning of a wonderful partnership.


Having left Gringotts with some pep in his step, Walter wondered off towards a clothing store, once more pickpocketing the fat and lazy that didn't bother placing charms on their belongings. He paid for eight sets of formal robes with his ill gotten money before heading out to round out his shopping, even collecting a carrion raven as a familiar. He made a stop back at the Leaky Cauldron to rent a room, rob a few other rooms and people, and eat. Walter then went out to a clothing store to buy a new set of outfits.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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