✧0. Shiny!✧

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Sirens. Sirens are man-eating monsters who lure in their victims with a false appearance and a hypnotic voice.

You watched your sisters feast on the body that you refused to eat. Your sister's victim was a little boy and it just felt so... immoral. You'd always been like this. You always felt a twinge of guilt every time you bit into the sweet flesh of man. Of course, the guilt was always shrouded by hunger and the satisfaction of a good meal.

Whenever you sunk your teeth into the meat of a fisherman, you'd always find yourself thinking."Was he a father? The son of a mother? How would his family feel, hearing that their father or son or husband or whatever has disappeared under mysterious circumstances?"

Those thoughts always made you feel guilty. Which is why you've never eaten a kid. You always adamantly refused to eat child meat. "That kid probably has a whole life ahead of him! And a family that loves him." You thought as you looked at the now torn-apart corpse of the child your sisters were devouring.

It almost made you sick to look at. His insides were his outsides. It was never a big issue when you could see an adult's innards. But... children. It was just so wrong. Even if you and your sisters were told that boys would eventually grow to be disgusting men, technically, you'd be doing the world a service to be rid of them while they're young. You simply couldn't bring yourself to do it.

The visceral noises of blood and flesh being ripped and torn were giving you a headache. You tried hard to block out the noises and the sights of blood and guts. Looking anywhere but the eviscerated child corpse. Your eyes suddenly landed on something glimmering on the sea floor.

It glimmered and shined under the moonlight. You felt so attracted to it. It was just so... alluring.

You looked back at your sisters who were still feasting. They'd be too distracted to notice you swim away.

You bit your lip and swam to the seafloor. You had to get whatever was shining at the bottom. It was practically calling your name!

You could feel your excitement grow as you swam faster and faster to the bottom.

A smile spread across your face as you reached sea floor.

Upon closer inspection, what you thought was a small trinket turned out to be a wonderfully ornate mirror. It was quite large and grand. "...Who would ever dump such a beautiful mirror...?" You mumbled to yourself as you stared into the mirror.

You wiped the sand off of the reflective surface and looked at yourself. Absent-mindedly looking at your gills and scales. You admired yourself in the mirror. Tracing your fingers on the ornate frame of the mirror.

"Temptress of the sea." The mirror began to speak, much to your confusion and alarm. "If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror." A strange hand appeared in the mirror. It seemed to call you to it. Your hand absent-mindedly gravitated towards the hand in the mirror.

You stared in awe as you took the hand that was reflected in the mirror. "As flame reduces even stars to ash... As ice seals away even time itself." The mirror spoke wisely. "As great trees swallow even the sky. Fear not the power of darkness."

"Now. Demonstrate your power." The mirror finished as a bright light beamed out of the mirror, blinding you. "Ah!-" Your left hand flew to cover your eyes before you fell unconscious.

To me. To them. to yourself. The hour grows long, and time is scarce.

Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come.



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