✧6. Demeter✧

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It was a slow day. The pickings for food was slim so you'd have to go hungry. You were hanging around under a dock, listening to the humans passing by.

You heard loud thumping on the dock, someone was running above you.

They sat down at the edge of the dock, sobbing. You swam over to where she was sitting, trying to take a peak at the human.

It was a girl. I really beautiful girl.

She had the prettiest brown hair and emerald eyes. Her face was covered with freckles. She was dressed in somewhat fancy clothes and mascara was streaking down her face.

"How could I be so foolish..." The girl sobbed.

She grabbed the necklace she was wearing and yanked it off of her neck. She balled it up in her fist and chucked it into the water.

You took one last peak at the lady before swimming after the shiny gold necklace. Upon grabbing it, you noticed a charm with an engraving on it.

"D+J 9-18-21" 

This must be important. Why did she throw it away? Maybe it was a mistake. 

You swam back to the surface, poking your head out of the water. She was still there, sobbing.

You swam to the corner of the dock and carefully placed the necklace down, in an effort to not be seen.

You weren't careful enough.

You made eye contact with her and quickly swam under the dock.

The world was silent for a while, until you saw a head poke out from the dock. "H-Hello?" Her voice was shaky.

Maybe she didn't see you. "I c-can see you." shit.

"Please come out..." She beckoned you. You thought about it for a second. Should you? Is she going to hurt you?

You cautiously swam out from under the dock, only letting your eyes poke out from the water. There was no way you looked human at all, but the girl wasn't freaked out. You were in your natural form so you probably looked more like a sea monster.

In this form, your eye whites were yellowed and your skin was a light shade of teal. Your scales were various shades of teal. You had scales framing your face and covering most of your body. Your teeth were sharp and pointed, made for ripping and tearing. Your ears looked similar to fins. Your eyes were a deep shade of crimson.

There was no way you looked human.

The girl only looked surprised for a second, but then calm. "What are you...?" She stared at you with curiosity and interest. "...Siren..." You mumbled. She was definitely gonna hate you.

"What's your name?" She asked. "...Y/N..." She nodded. "Y/N..." She looked down at the necklace in her hand. "Can you bury this? Deep in the ocean?" She reached her hand over to you and you slowly took the necklace. 

"...Why...bury...?" Your English was pretty bad. "Important?" You stared at the engraving. She frowned "...It used to be. It no longer holds importance to me. He no longer holds importance to me..." Tears began to threaten to fall from her eyes again.

Ohh! It was a human relationship thing. "I bury." You began to swim down but then paused. You briefly poked your head out of the water and said "Stay." You pointed a clawed, webbed, finger at the girl. She nodded and you began your descent once again.

You quickly buried the necklace and grabbed something else. You grabbed a necklace you'd found not too long ago. The chain was gold and the pendant was a rose quartz gem that had been worked into the shape of a cherry blossom flower. You thought it was gorgeous.

You quickly swam back up with the necklace held tightly in your hand.

She was still there, waiting for you.

You excitedly swam up to the dock. "Hand! Open hand!" You eagerly informed her and she did as you told her to, a little confused. You put the necklace in her hand and pushed her hand towards her. "Take necklace. Feel gooder." You smiled. 

"It's beautiful..." She mumbled. "Remind me you." You smiled. It really did. She was really pretty. "Thank you so much..." She smiled.

"What you name?" You stared into her beautiful emerald eyes.



A/N: It's gettin' kinda fruity in here...


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