✧20. Baking.✧

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"Welcome back. Looks like you got plenty!" Trey happily smiled at your group. You feel like maybe you had too much but you've also never made any human cuisine. Grim smiled, feeling a great sense of accomplishment. "Now you can make us some massive tarts!" Trey adjusted his glasses. "Well, the bigger the tarts, the harder it'll be to peel all these nuts, so... good luck with that!" He smiled as he crossed his arms.

You stared down at the chestnuts in your baskets. You had two basket fulls, one on each arm. "...what." You frowned as you imagined the feeling of the spikes on your skin. "We have to peel all of these...? Suddenly the whole room is spinning..." Deuce mumbled from beside you as he stared down at all the baskets of chestnuts.

Trey simply shrugged. "Preparation is the key to good baking." Ace huffed before roughly placing his basket on the counter. "Yeah, yeah, I know. We've come this far. We're not giving up now!" You nodded eagerly, promptly placing your baskets on the counter. "He's right! We can do this!" You began to try and grab a chestnut but, remembering your run-in with a sea urchin, you stopped. "...right, how do we do that?"

Trey walked up to the counter, pulling out his magic pen. "It can be tricky to peel a chestnut, but that's where magic comes in." He demonstrated how to peel a chestnut with magic. Of course! Everything here is magic-reliant. "Ace and Yuu can't use magic, though, so it's the hard way for them." Deuce reminded everyone. You held up your hand in the shape of an L at Ace. He stuck his tongue out at you. "Just watch me wipe the floor with you, even without magic!" Ace announced with absolute confidence.

"You guys... mmph!" Grim was already eating the ingredients. "Ftand and.." he ate some more. "Watph a mafter!" He announced, his mouth still full. "Hey! Quit stuffing your face full of ingredients!" Ace pointed accusingly at the feline. And with that, you all began to peel the chestnuts. You were doing surprisingly well! Not bad for not having a great understanding of magic!

"Wow, Ace. You're remarkably deft!" Trey complimented the ginger. "I mean, one of us has to be. It sure ain't the furball or the tryhard or the female prefect." Ace boasted, gesturing to Grim, then Deuce, then you. You smirked down at Ace and crossed your arms. "I think you're just salty about being beaten by a girl." Ace rolled his eyes at you. "Yeah, right." Deuce crossed his arms "Hey! My peels are perfectly fine, thank you. See?" He pointed to his freshly peeled chestnuts. "Yeah! If you hold mine up next to Ace's, you couldn't even tell 'em apart!" Grim bragged as he pointed to his collection of peels.

"Haha. Well, it's good you're all so fired up, because you still got a ways to go." You continued making short work of the chestnuts. Time went by so fast due to your small competition with the boys. You were all done so quickly. Eventually, all that was left was one chestnut. Deuce quickly peeled it. "That was the last one! We're all done!" He announced happily.

"Very nice." Trey looked at your group's handy work. "Even the manual side managed to get through pretty quick." The green-haired boy complimented, gesturing to Yuu and Ace. "Well, duh. Any job's good as done if I'm on the case!" The feline flexed his non-existent arm muscles. "Alright, next comes the straining!" Trey smiled and placed his hand on his hips. "THERE'S MORE?!" Ace yelled in absolute disbelief. You dropped your head down onto the counter, making a soft banging noise.

After straining and puréing and blah blah blah you were finally done with the prep. You groaned and put your head in your hands, resting your elbows on the counter. This was just so very boring... and draining. "There! Finally got 'em all pureed!" Ace smiled in success, staring down at his work. Deuce grabbed his shoulder and moved it around to loosen it up. "My arm is killing me..." the boy groaned.

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