19- spending the night with them

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Charlie Dalton:
- making out
- cuddling for hours
- literally won't let you sleep cause he just wants to talk with you for hours
- make out sessions 24/7
- smoking cigs

Neil Perry:
- reciting books/poetry
- pretending to be characters too ^
- having lots of fun
- sneaking out
- kisses all the time
- deep talks/ranting

Todd Anderson:
- cuddling
- soft kisses 24/7
- having laugh attacks
- talking about random things
- tickle attacks

Gerard Pitts:
- debates on stupid stuff
- make out sessions
- pillow attacks
- holding each other
- staying up until 3
- laughing until you can't breath

Knox Overstreet:
- kissing all the time
- make out sessions
- cuddling
- literally the whole night just him complimenting you and saying loving things
- him holding you the whole time

Steven Meeks:
- playing games
- talking about life and random things
- holding each other
- quick pecks of kisses
- going to sleep to talking about life

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