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Schizophrenia book - inspired by words on bathroom walls - you should really watch the movie after reading this book!!

Prologue -

22nd April Freshman year.

I walk into class as normal, everything seems a little off, you know the kind off when you leave the lights off but come back and they're on? That's the feeling I'm getting right now. My first class is science, I hate the science lab, its so stuffy, making it hard to breath all the time. I walk in and take a seat at the back with all my friends. Immediately we start talking about the latest gossip, apparently, Taylah got caught giving Bruce a blowjob behind the gym. We all looked around for her, but it wasn't a big surprise when she wasn't there. As soon as the teacher came in we all raced to our desks so we got the pair we wanted.

Then the 'Nerd' came in, I didn't really have anything against her but my friends didn't like her so I didn't either. She walked along beside my table so I quickly stuck my foot out and tripped her, making her spill all her books everywhere around her, imagine being such a slob, her hair was all greasy, ugh. " Get some shampoo skank," I said to her with a smirk, Everyone else laughed at her, why wouldn't they, she's so disgusting. The teacher cleared her throat and started the lesson. Why didn't I get told off? You may ask, well why would I? My best friend's dad is the principal, why would this random teacher want to get fired over a matter as simple as this?

The teacher started droning on and on about boring stuff that I couldn't care to listen to. Then someone opened a window, first came a bird, it flew around the class frantically, then a raven came through the window. It started fighting the other bird, flying around and smashing all the beakers on the tables, opening cupboards and shoving everything out of them. A dark black mist started seeping through the window. Why wasn't anyone reacting? I started backing away, then the words started. "They don't like you. You're horrible. Just die." I looked around, everyone was acting as if this was normal. Why couldn't they see! It was a dream, yes right, it was a dream! I pinched myself, it stung. I wasn't dreaming then. I continued backing away, accidentally knocking down a beaker with some liquid in it. It splashed on someone and the black tendrils of smoke started furling off from their arm. "Look what you did," The voice said. I turned around and started running. My footsteps pounded against the floor, echoing in the empty hallway. Suddenly I was grabbed. "Hey, calm down." a panicked voice said over and over. I struggled against them, what were they doing? I had to run away. I could now only hear my breath going in and out heavily through my mouth. I couldn't stop, it just kept getting quicker and quicker, black dots crowded my vision, and soon enough, it was all black.


I'd spent 3 days in the hospital. They'd told me I had Schizophrenia, basically, I see things that aren't there. Leaving the hospital was weird, the physiatrist had said that it helps some people to give their hallucinations names, so, with me I had Greg, the drunk guy who only talks about Gnomes, like he never stops and Lisa the girl who is always drunk and horny. My fabulous buddies. Oh, and also the ants, I don't really know what they're doing but they just go around following me in a trail. We had also discovered that my whole break down at school was called a psychotic break, my mind had just lost control.

My parents all hovered around me, not really sure what to do with themselves, mum had stuffed all the pamphlets about Schizophrenia in her handbag. I guess we'll manage to deal with this.

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