Chapter 3 | Our Temporary Detective

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It was said in that paper, in the beginning of the game, that 2 people being voted out at once can only be done once throughout the entire game, and we'd already used that chance up.

Additionally, we'd just lost 3 of our teammates, not to mention that all 3 of them were in the good side. Because of this, mostly everyone was depressed now, sitting there idly, rethinking about their past lives. Of course, some of them are acting the part, being evil, to keep up their facade. Not only that, but most people had started to have less trust towards Flavia, since she was the one who got Rosalie and Alicia voted out in the first place. Constantly passing through a crowd of pair of people, I could always have heard them badmouthing Flavia; they were saying that she didn't deserve to live after what she had done.

Considering all these factors, nobody was in a mood to have an open, friendly conversation; actually, this was not an issue for me, but it's not like that mattered anyway, because I needed to have at least a little bit of reputation to be spared. Anyhow, I guess I could use my ability to bring back one person from the dead right now, but it'd be a waste. Rosalie and Alicia, they're irrelevant; bringing them back would have no use to myself or my team whatsoever, and there is a high chance of them dying right after, anyways. Additionally, bringing back a disgrace of a spy like Delta would have no use for us either. It might be true that we need a spy on our side, but if he's going to be such a buffoon, then there was no point in bringing him back either.

My savior role should be kept anonymous and unused for now.

I suddenly turned to my right, seeing Amani eating... a muffin. I was confused, but I reluctantly walked up to her and questioned her. "Oh, this? The muffin man gave it to me last night. You did read the roles, didn't you?", she asked.

"I did read them. But... what does the muffin do? Any advantages?", I replied. Amani shook her head. "I guess it's purely for aesthetics". I wanted to roll my eyes, I actually wanted to slap her lightly for wasting my time like this, but I just sighed and walked away back then.

The muffin man...

'What a ridiculous role. Each night, once the lights go out, they give a specially prepared muffin to a random person, and that muffin does purely NOTHING. It's just there, how nice, for all the childish little bitches', is what I'd thought back then. To this day, I would've still thought that, only if that event didn't happen.

...I really had no sympathy nor empathy for anyone back then, huh?

I came across Colleen, Flavia and Carlos on that day too, but none of them were willing to speak. I guess it's thanks to the incident, because it really did bring everyone apart from each other. I also then came across Mateo. I didn't want to speak with him due to his disgraceful act last night including Amani, but he approached me and spoke to me either way. "Yo, uh... Veronica, right? D'you see Amani anywhere?", he asked. I wanted to slap him across the face, but I just sighed and walked away. "Uh, wait, yo! It's not what you think... we just, uh... we just really hit it off, y'know?!". I pushed him out of the way and walked off, what a creep. It hurts me to think that he might be one I survive with in the end of the game.

To be honest, I didn't exactly have an aim on where I was going. In fact, the setting we were in was still completely and utterly unknown to us. It was nothing like I'd ever seen before, it was the biggest mansion I'd ever seen. There is still, to this day, places that we haven't seen and haven't explored, there may be clues lying there waiting to be found, but it was simply just too big for us to go alone or in groups; it's a definite fact that we'd get lost.

The setting we were in... it was a complete mystery. We don't know where it was located, or even what the road this house is located in was called, not to mention who brought us here. I highly doubt that we were brought here by one of us, because I can tell by everyone's eyes that nobody knows why we're here. Whether they're the detective or the murderer, it's unknown to them, completely.

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